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Sra'thik Swarmdock.jpg
Sra'thik Swarmdock
Main leader IconSmall MantidQueen.gif Grand Empress Shek'zeer
Race(s) MantidMantid Mantid
Base of operations Sra'vess Rootchamber, Sra'thik Incursion
Theater of operations Townlong Steppes

The Sra'thik are a group of mantid found in Townlong Steppes. Mantid of the Sra'thik swarm use the Sra'thik Swarmdock as a staging area for attacks on other parts of the steppes. The Sra'thik Swarmlord is responsible for directing the mantid forces from the air[1] while the Sra'thik Hivelord maintains Sra'vess and plots against the Klaxxi.[2] Wind Lord Mel'jarak has Sra'thik Amber-Trapper fighting by his side.

Sra'thik Amber-Masters are present in the Chamber of the Paragons alongside the Klaxxi during the Siege of Orgrimmar.



Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.

  • IconSmall Mantid.gif Sra'thik Barbmaven
  • IconSmall Mantid.gif Sra'thik Bonesnapper
  • IconSmall Mantid.gif Sra'thik Chitinel

Items and objects
