Fallen Sentinels

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NeutralFallen Sentinels

Wounded Niuzao Sentinel
Start Yak-Keeper Kyana
End Yak-Keeper Kyana
Level 25-35
Type Daily
Category Townlong Steppes
Experience 236000
Reputation +250 August Celestials
Rewards 19g 84s 50c 2 Lesser Charm of Good Fortune
Repeatable Yes


Heal 8 Wounded Niuzao Sentinels above 50% health. You may use the Yak's Milk Flasks or your own healing spells and abilities.


Our sentinels can fight for days on end, but even they have their limits. Since the mantid swarm began, too many of them have pushed themselves beyond their abilities.

Please, aid them in whatever way you can. If you are unable to heal them yourself, you may give them some of this. A mouthful of nutritious yak's milk will give them the strength they need.


You will receive:


Things look grim out there.


In times like these, we must trust in the power and protection of Niuzao. Should things get any worse, he will protect us.

He always does.


Look for units specifically called Wounded Niuzao Sentinel down in and around the main courtyard. 50% health is above 191,000.


Niuzao Temple dailies with only one set available each day.

Set A
Set B

Patch changes

External links