The Skull of Gul'dan (WC2 Orc)

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For lore, see Skull of Gul'dan. For other uses, see Skull of Gul'dan (disambiguation).
This article contains lore taken from Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal, the manuals, and/or official bonus maps.
The Skull of Gul'dan
Location Draenor
Result Ner'zhul loyalists victory

Ner'zhul loyalists

  Bonechewer clan
Commanders and leaders

Ner'zhul loyalists


Bonechewer clan

Casualties and losses

Ner'zhul loyalists

  • Moderate

Bonechewer clan

  • Heavy
Previous Horde Slayer of the Shadowmoon
Next Horde Thunderlord and Bonechewer
Alternate level Alliance The Battle for Nethergarde

The Skull of Gul'dan is the second mission of the Horde campaign in Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal.

Mission briefing

The skull of Gul'dan is a powerful artifact and essential for resurrecting the Dark Portal. A pathetic Orc Captain of the Bonechewer clan wears the skull as a symbol of his station and does not know of its true power.

Ner'zhul has sent the Ogre hero, Dentarg, to influence warriors from the Thunderlord clan to join in the battle against the Bonechewers. You will also be assisted by the warriors of the Shattered Hand and their leader Korgath Bladefist.[sic]

Move quickly to the Thunderlord village and raise an army to crush the Bonechewer Captain and win the Skull of Gul'dan.


  • Recruit Thunderlords (V)
  • Destroy Bonechewers (G)
  • Rescue Shattered Hand (W)
  • Keep your Heroes alive


Ner'zhul loyalists
Bonechewer clan


Mission playthrough
