The Prime's Directive

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NeutralThe Prime's Directive
Start Mikanikos [54.7, 64.1]
End Mikanikos [57.2, 61.7]
Level 51-60
Category Bastion
Experience 6,800
Rewards 23g 86s 80c
Previous N [51-60] Chasing a Memory
Next N [51-60] The Mnemonic Locus


Collect 12 Centurion Cores.


All centurion are made to serve the kyrian.

That they now work against ME, the Forgelite PRIME, is an insult to all centurions in Bastion. Look at them! Praetors! Goliaths! All... PURPLE!

I hereby give you permission and expressly order you to extract their cores. I will repurpose them in a fitting manner. I will reclaim their anima to power the Locus.

I can build more. Do not pity.


You will receive:

  • 23g 86s 80c
  • 6,800 XP


You have the cores?


Excellent. Their anima will be put to better use.


On accept of both:

Kleia says: Was that... a Mnemis unit?
Mikanikos says: Do not want to talk about it. But yes.

Defeat Converted Praetors and Dark Goliaths for their cores and to clear a path to scrolls in various states of damage.


  1. N [51-60] Chasing a Memory
  2. N [51-60] Directions Not Included, N [51-60] The Prime's Directive
  3. N [51-60] The Mnemonic Locus
  4. N [51-60] What's In a Memory?
  5. N [51-60] Lysonia's Truth
  6. N [51-60] I MADE You!
  7. N [51-60] Mnemis, At Your Service
  8. N [51-60] The Vault of the Archon
  9. N [51-60] A Paragon's Reflection
  10. N [51-60] Leave it to Mnemis

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