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Directions Not Included

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NeutralDirections Not Included
Start Mikanikos [54.7, 64.1]
End Mikanikos [57.2, 61.7]
Level 51-60
Category Bastion
Experience 6,800
Rewards 23g 86s 80c
Previous N [51-60] Chasing a Memory
Next N [51-60] The Mnemonic Locus


Find the Locus Manual among discarded scrolls in the Mnemonic Locus.


Look at this place! What a mess. The Locus is inactive and these "Forsworn" have taken over.

We need to restore the Locus, but I do not know how. This place was built long, long before my time.

Luckily for us, the Forgelite Prime before me was a prolific soul. She recorded everything. If we can find her designs for this place, I am certain I can work out the rest. Even without my Mnemis' help.

Look around. There are plenty of scrolls strewn about. Meet me near the Locus when you find it.


You will receive:

  • 23g 86s 80c
  • 6,800 XP


Did you find the scroll?


You found it! And many other interesting tomes besides. I will see them properly catalogued when we are finished here.


On accept of both:

Kleia says: Was that... a Mnemis unit?
Mikanikos says: Do not want to talk about it. But yes.

Defeat Converted Praetors and Dark Goliaths for their cores and to clear a path to scrolls in various states of damage.

Loot the Locus Manual:

Locus-Keeper Mnemis says: I advise you to return those scrolls to their proper places. Only Forsworn are authorized to browse the collection.

Before finding the correct scroll, players may find any of the following:  [Memories and Miracles: An Exploration],  [Soul Mirrors And You],  [In Memorium],  [Crumpled Ledger],  [Stewards are the Archon's Gift to Bastion: A Treatise],  [Getting Past Your Burdens] and  [Hand-Bell Sheet Music].


  1. N [51-60] Chasing a Memory
  2. N [51-60] Directions Not Included, N [51-60] The Prime's Directive
  3. N [51-60] The Mnemonic Locus
  4. N [51-60] What's In a Memory?
  5. N [51-60] Lysonia's Truth
  6. N [51-60] I MADE You!
  7. N [51-60] Mnemis, At Your Service
  8. N [51-60] The Vault of the Archon
  9. N [51-60] A Paragon's Reflection
  10. N [51-60] Leave it to Mnemis

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