Chasing a Memory

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NeutralChasing a Memory
Start Kleia [53.8, 73.7]
End Mikanikos [54.7, 64.1]
Level 51-60
Category Bastion
Experience 870
Rewards 2g 38s 70c
Previous N [51-60] Purity's Prerogative
Next N [51-60] Directions Not Included, N [51-60] The Prime's Directive


Travel to the Mnemonic Locus.


The attack on the Temple of Purity is unprecedented in Bastion. At least, to my knowledge.

We need to know more. The fragment that the Paragon captured may contain the answers we seek.

There is a place nearby called the Mnemonic Locus. There, aspirants and ascended alike can call forth their memories and store them away. If we can look through this fragment's memories, perhaps we can learn more about the so-called Forsworn and, with luck, uncover their plan.

I will meet you there. Go in service.


You will receive:

  • 2g 38s 70c
  • 870 XP


<Mikanikos gestures irritably toward the Forsworn behind him.>

Are you here to help fix THIS?


On accept:

Kleia says: The Forsworn may attack again. We need to warn Hero's Rest.
Pelagos says: I will warn them while you finish your mission, but Kleia... please come back to me.
Kleia says: Always.

On the way, an event is available at Sophia's Aria, Vesper Repair. Three players must interact with the Ancient Incense at the same time to complete the objective.

Head north to the Mnemonic Locus:

Image of Locus-Keeper Mnemis says: Access to the Locus is currently restricted.
Mikanikos says: I MADE you! I am the Forgelite PRIME!
The mnemis unit teleports away.
Kleia says: Oh no... we may be too late.

Kleia has new gossip once she arrives at the Mnemonic Locus:

The Forsworn have overtaken this place, too... is all of Bastion under their sway?

I hope Pelagos got the word out in time, but we must focus on our task here. We must learn who is behind these attacks!

Speak with Mikanikos to pick up the next quests:

Look what they have done to my Centurions! To the Locus!

<Mikanikos gestures angrily at, well, everything.>


  1. N [51-60] Chasing a Memory
  2. N [51-60] Directions Not Included, N [51-60] The Prime's Directive
  3. N [51-60] The Mnemonic Locus
  4. N [51-60] What's In a Memory?
  5. N [51-60] Lysonia's Truth
  6. N [51-60] I MADE You!
  7. N [51-60] Mnemis, At Your Service
  8. N [51-60] The Vault of the Archon
  9. N [51-60] A Paragon's Reflection
  10. N [51-60] Leave it to Mnemis

Patch changes

External links