Hostile Recollection

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NeutralHostile Recollection
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 48-59
Type Bonus Objective
Category Bastion
Experience 8,500
Rewards 23g 86s 80c
Previous N [51-60] What's In a Memory?



You will receive:

  • 23g 86s 80c
  • 8,500 XP


This bonus objective is offered while on The Walk of Recollection for N [51-60] Lysonia's Truth and N [51-60] Mnemis, At Your Service.

Valid targets include: Forsworn Investigators, Forsworn Researchers, Dark Vault-Seekers, Umbral Phalynx, Misled Stewards, Depleted Clawguards, and Tasty Offerings.


  1. N [51-60] Chasing a Memory
  2. N [51-60] Directions Not Included, N [51-60] The Prime's Directive
  3. N [51-60] The Mnemonic Locus
  4. N [51-60] What's In a Memory?
  5. N [51-60] Lysonia's Truth
  6. N [51-60] I MADE You!
  7. N [51-60] Mnemis, At Your Service
  8. N [51-60] The Vault of the Archon
  9. N [51-60] A Paragon's Reflection
  10. N [51-60] Leave it to Mnemis

Alpha version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages.


Find the writer of the Discarded Poem.


<The poem bears distinct handwriting. Perhaps you can find the person who wrote it and return it to them?>

Patch changes

External links