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The Molten Core (boss)

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For the retail version, see Ragnaros (tactics).
MobThe Molten Core
No image available
Race Fire elemental (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Resource Energy
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Ragnaros' Lair, Molten Core
Status Killable

The Molten Core is the true final boss of the Season of Discovery Molten Core raid, accessible only on Molten Heat difficulty.

After defeating all other bosses, Duke Hydraxis and a number of Hydraxian Firefighters will appear in Ragnaros' Lair. Talking to Hydraxis will cause the Firefighters to draw the Molten Core itself out of the lava pool, a giant rock which splits open into a massive living fireball.


  • Inv misc questionmark.png Conjure Flame — Summons 4 Primal Flame Elementals.
  • Inv gizmo supersappercharge.png Doomsday — The Molten Core explodes, killing all players.
  • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Flame Burst — Deals fire damage to the Molten Core's primary target.
  • Ability mage worldinflames.png Flare — The Molten Core exudes unbelievable heat, causing damage that increases as The Molten Core becomes hotter.
  • Spell nature earthquake.png Harmonic Tremor — Deals 300-600 damage to the entire raid.
  • Inv misc powder iron.png Heart of Ash — The Heart of Ash burns within you, dealing damage over time. Cancelled by the Heart of Cinder.
  • Spell fire flameshock.png Heart of Cinder — The Heart of Cinder burns within you, dealing damage over time. Cancelled by the Heart of Ash.
  • Inv elemental primal fire.png Heating Up — The Molten Core is slowly heating up, gradually becoming more powerful and unstable.
  • Spell fire immolation.png Melt Armor — Armor reduced by 800.
  • Trade engineering.png Meteor


The Molten Core's Energy bar will slowly count up to 1000. Keeping the four Hydraxian Firefighters alive is critical, as each one slows down the rate at which its Energy builds. If they are all killed, the Molten Core will quickly reach maximum energy and explode, killing the entire raid. The Molten Core will regularly spawn Primal Flame Elementals that will aggro onto the Firefighters, though they can be taunted off. Throughout the fight, it will also summon meteors at random players. The meteors descend slowly and crash into the floor, then explode a few seconds later, dealing a high amount of fire damage to nearby players. The pace at which the meteors fall steadily increases over time. The Molten Core will periodically debuff two players with Heart of Ash and Heart of Cinder, which deal fire damage to nearby players until the two debuffed players touch, dispelling both debuffs.


The Molten Core can drop loot from any other Molten Core boss. It has no unique drops of its own.

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External links