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Garr (Season of Discovery)

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For the retail version, see Garr.
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Race Lava elemental (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Molten Core
Status Killable

Garr is a lava elemental boss in the Season of Discovery Molten Core raid.



Garr and Firesworn.jpg
  • Spell holy dispelmagic.png Antimagic Pulse — Dispels magic on nearby enemies, removing 1 beneficial spell effect.
  • Spell nature earthbind.png Magma Shackles — Reduces the movement speed of nearby enemies by 60% for 15 sec.


The firesworn
  • Spell fire immolation.png Immolate — Inflicts 337 Fire damage to an enemy and scorches it for an additional 168 damage every 3 sec. for 21 sec.
  • Spell fire volcano.png Eruption — Deals 22194 Fire damage to all nearby enemies, knocking them back.

Molten Heat

On Molten Heat difficulty, Garr only has four Firesworn instead of eight, but they have far more health and can only be Banished once each before they become immune. Additional, Garr will periodically spawn Magmakin that will charge random players and explode, dealing fire damage and knocking back nearby players.


Shared Non-Flamewaker loot
Tier 1 tokens

Patch changes

External links