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Baron Geddon (Season of Discovery)

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For the retail version, see Baron Geddon.
MobBaron Geddon
No image available
Race Fire elemental (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Molten Core
Status Killable

Baron Geddon is a fire elemental boss in the Season of Discovery Molten Core raid.


  • Spell fire incinerate.png Inferno — Surrounds the caster with an inferno that periodically inflicts Fire damage to nearby enemies for 8 sec. While the caster is aflame, he cannot move or use his abilities.
  • Spell fire incinerate.png Ignite Mana — Burns 400 mana from nearby enemies every 3 sec. for 5 min. Each point of mana that is destroyed also damages the target from which it is consumed.
  • Inv enchant essenceastralsmall.png Living Bomb — Throws a bomb at an enemy. After 8 sec., the bomb explodes, inflicting 3200 Fire damage to the target and its nearby allies.
  • Spell fire selfdestruct.png Armageddon — Baron Geddon self-destructs, dealing 8000 fire damage to all players.

Molten Heat

On Molten Heat difficulty, Baron Geddon targets three players with Living Bomb instead of one. In addition, both Living Bomb and Inferno leave patches of fire on the ground.


Shared Non-Flamewaker loot
Tier 1 tokens

Patch changes

External links