The Gnoll Wars

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The Gnoll Wars.

The Gnoll Wars is a stone located in a cave in the Ohn'ahran Plains.[43.5, 56.5]


The Gnoll Wars

When we first arrived on the Ohn'ahran Plains, we were not alone.
Gnolls lurked in the shadows, grinning with malice as they set their snares.

Our ohuna, soaring overhead, watched their migration.
Ohn'ahra's winds carried mocking laughter to us.
When the children of Maruuk and Teera first faced these foes, the gnolls tested their patience.
They fought with fury and hatred, as if they had nothing to lose.

Inevitably, we pushed them from the plains. We lost many, but they lost more.

But if you see a single gnoll, be wary. Where there is one, there are always many more.
Do not let them surround you. Drive them out. Show them there is no land, no prey, no room for their kind here.

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