Talon Scaralesh

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NeutralTalon Scaralesh
Image of Talon Scaralesh
Gender Male
Race Dracthyr (Humanoid)
Level 60-62
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valdrakken Accord
Location Dragonscale Basecamp, Waking Shores
Status Alive
Relative(s) Talon Rommen (brother)

Talon Scaralesh is a dracthyr located at the Dragonscale Basecamp in the Waking Shores.

He and his brother, Rommen were trying to cook up some rations to eat, but everything was so different to them, and they found it hard to find the same ingredients they used to cook with. Nevertheless, they resolved to adapt, and Scaralesh asked the Horde adventurer to ask around for ingredients that they could use to substitute for vegetable matter, protein, and emulsifying fluid. After obtaining the ingredients, he prepared a meal that Sous-Chef Butterfingers, Vintner Thesnala, and Ka'ro the Chopper enjoyed.[1]

Scaralesh was later seen in Valdrakken where he cooked food for his fellow dracthyr at the party in Weyrnrest.[2]


After A Taste of Home
Inv misc food meat cooked 02 color02.png [Scaralesh's Special]
2g 50s




These elves and trolls and goblins may be rough around the edges, but the food! The smells! The variety! I've never tasted anything like it.

Rommen and I are both trying to learn how mortals eat, when they're not eating rations. He's very clever, though, and likes to take notes and figure everything out from afar.

But me? I like to get in there and figure things out as I go! The people of the Horde seem to really appreciate that.

Patch changes


  1. ^ H IconSmall Dracthyr Male.gifIconSmall Dracthyr Female.gif [60-62] A Taste of Home
  2. ^ Something Like Family

External links