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However likely unicorns are to be the blood elven mount, that picture is misleading. You can mount ANY creature using the model viewer... --Kakwakas 16:59, 21 July 2006 (EDT)

I agree- This seems like someone just popped this on the website for laughs. I think this should be removed as Unicorns make no sense lore-wise and never played an important role in the game --Tholex 20:10, July 26 2006 (EST)

However, just to throw this out, there are 'unicorns' out there that might be used. Namely, the Zhevra in Kalimdor. bridgettebeneshe

Whats a model veiwer. Is that available in US servers?

Look, a unicorn! It's from the new Argent Tournament, described as a Quel'dorei steed, and used for mounted combat training. INV Misc Orb 04.pngXavius, the Satyr Lord 17:47, 1 March 2009 (UTC)


Are the paladin chargers really unicorns? I thought the "horns" were part of their armor. INV Misc Orb 04.pngXavius, the Satyr Lord 11:03, December 7, 2009 (UTC)

Agreed. I don't believe they are unicorns, the horn is part of the armor.
IconSmall Hamuul.gif Loremaster A'noob, Arch Druid of the Noobhoof Clan (talk/contribz) 11:06, December 7, 2009 (UTC)
How do you know the horn is part of the armor and not of the horse? Benitoperezgaldos (talk) 17:54, December 7, 2009 (UTC)
Because of the hooves of the mount, they're no split. Klakmuf1 19:23, December 7, 2009
And if you look at the horns, there's actually a bolt through them, near the base. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 18:32, December 7, 2009 (UTC)

Unicorn source

What source is there to call the Broken Isles creatures "unicorns"? The horn on many of these is not pointed or spiraling (like its Wikipedia counterpart), and nowhere is it mentioned that they are called unicorns (apart from one flavor plaque in a Nightborne area by "the zoological community").

Regarding unicorns in general, while the others have one horn pointed, spiraling horn, no mobs are called unicorns, and only a ring mentions unicorns. The only other (canonical) reference to unicorns is in the physical Warcraft III manual, which seems to have been corrected for the official site to read "steed". Both high elf and elf mention them as racial mounts, but nowhere outside of the infobox. --g0urra[T҂C] 12:35, 12 May 2018 (UTC)

In the case of the Warcraft III manual, that's the other way around, actually: the manual is supposed to be the canon one, and the website is outdated. This can be seen with the case of the Footman unit, where the Warcraft III website mentions the Alliance falling into civil war, which never happened in the actual canon.  [Quel'dorei Steed] are still described to be high elven mounts, though I guess you could technically call them horses instead of unicorns, but frankly I believe that'd be pedantic. I see no issues with the current article Xporc (talk) 12:43, 12 May 2018 (UTC)
Re: Warcraft III that's a fair point (would have to look into more differences between the site and manual), however they are not necessarily the same creatures as in World of Warcraft. And yes, I admit I'm being pedantic about it, but I want the information to be correct. Something along the line of "horned horses" (in lack of better name) would be more accurate, linking to zhevra ("striped horned horses") and unicorn ("mythological horned horses", though not 100% accurate since archmagi used them?). --g0urra[T҂C] 12:48, 12 May 2018 (UTC)
Another example of the WC3 site being outdated would be that it describes the Headhunters as if they're Amani trolls from Lordaeron, even though in the manual and in-game they are actually Darkspears. However, I don't think it's quite as simple as the site being more outdated than the manual in every single case. There are no visible horns on the horses ridden by Archmages in-game, so "steed" does actually seem like it'd be a more accurate description than "unicorn". -- IconSmall TrollDeathKnight Male.gif DeludedTroll (talkcontribs) 12:50, 12 May 2018 (UTC)
What about Beasts of Barren Savannas? — SurafbrovWarcraft Wiki administrator T / C 12:56, 12 May 2018 (UTC)

I'm waiting until next beta patch to see if the new mountable "unicorns" are called unicorns, or something else that is also related to the NPC models shown on this page. --g0urra[T҂C] 17:53, 12 May 2018 (UTC)

Unicorn source, pt 2

Bumping this for a reason. If I'm reading this correctly (below), unicorns do not exist in WoW. At BlizzCon 2016 Q&A.

  • Q: Can hunters tame the unicorns in Legion?
  • A: “There are no unicorns in Azeroth. What do you mean? The horses with horns?” More jokes. Ion says maybe eventually, but no immediate plans.

Here is the quote in the video. I highly suggest watching it as the above is worded differently as a summary from blizzardwatch.

  • Considering that "Unicorn Steeds" is mentioned in the WC3 Manual, the quote from Ion pretty much cancels it out.
  • Also, the name of it was once considered with Beasts of Barren Savannas but the other name won the majority of votes making the name pretty much meaningless in WoW.
  • Ion said that "there are no unicorns in Azeroth" and the rest of the devs went with it and some joked. But when the guy who asked the question pointed out that there are some in Val'sharah: Ion said "Oh you mean the Horses with horns. Oh okay." So clearly they're not calling them unicorns but rather "horses with horns" or just horse2 via twitter. Unicorn is a good way to describe them (for us humans) and better than an article called "Horses with horns" or "horse2" but it isn't an official name. So a {{bettername}} template would be best to suffice until an official name is ever to be announced. Maybe in BfA as there are more of these horses.

-— SurafbrovWarcraft Wiki administrator T / C 16:35, 26 June 2018 (UTC)


IIRC, it was about the Broken Isles ones that this page contains. According to mounts like  [Prestigious Bloodforged Courser] and  [Pureheart Courser], those are called coursers. --Mordecay (talk) 12:03, 27 June 2018 (UTC)

As far as I can tell, "courser" is generally only used for the Broken Isles unicorn mounts and not any of the other Broken Isles unicorns. All the actual "courser" mobs in the game are gazelles, stags, or zhevras, not unicorns. -- IconSmall TrollDeathKnight Male.gif DeludedTroll (talkcontribs) 12:35, 27 June 2018 (UTC)
I am not in favor of a split between unicorns that were confirmed to be unicorns and unicorns that were not directly called unicorns. Especially if it's just to move the latter to an even less legitimate page that will need a {{bettername}} tag since it will be called "Courser", when "courser" does not even refer uniquely to them but to other races as well (since it seems to be used as a qualifier, not a race name). Might as well just keep this page for all unicorns and keep the {{bettername}} in case there's doubt regarding whether they are really called unicorns or not. -- MyMindWontQuiet 13:03, 27 June 2018 (UTC)
No hard opinion on the split, just wanted to point out the mounts. --Mordecay (talk) 13:12, 27 June 2018 (UTC)
Well those mounts are essentially the same as the  [Lucid Nightmare] and the  [Wild Dreamrunner], but with armor. — SurafbrovWarcraft Wiki administrator T / C 13:42, 27 June 2018 (UTC)
Courser is now used as a horse-like category so removing the split suggestion from the page. Mrforesttroll (talk) 03:39, 31 December 2020 (UTC)