Talk:Army of the Light

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Argent Crusade?

Looking at the Death Knight introductory quest line, it seems to me that the Argent Crusade would seem to fit the bill, or will lead to it. Mathwhiz90601 (talk) 00:07, 15 September 2008 (UTC)

I think the Shattered Sun Offensive is a better fit. Apart from being related to the same expansion, they're battling against the Burning Legion whereas the Argent Crusade is fighting the Scourge. Moreover, as promised by the naaru, the draenei are a significant part of the SSO, whereas they are almost certainly a minority in the AC. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 00:11, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
I'd say you're thinking too specifically, it's the Alliance and the Horde as a whole.--Ragestorm (talk · contr) 00:23, 15 September 2008 (UTC)
Dark T Zeratul, The Burning Legion and the Scourge are essentially part of the same corruption; both come from Sargeras, through the Eredar; the Burning Legion under Archimonde's control, and Kil'jaeden corrupting the orcs to create his Lich King... Tattycakes (talk) 00:56, October 25, 2010 (UTC)


I think the Alliance fits the most because it says:"The Army of the Light is a force of enlightened races". Because the naaru said to the draenei 20000 years ago that they would one day join this force, they didn't have an alliance with someone in the past... When they arrived on Azeroth they first joined the Alliance which the majority of the races belived in the Holy Light. And in the Burning Crusade draenei intro said that together with the Alliance one day they would defeat the Burning Legion.Dedokire (talk) 21:52, February 10, 2010 (UTC)

Human leader?

Where does it say that the leader of the Army of the Light is a human? I looked at Prophet's Lesson and it doesn't say anything so definitive.—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Aquamonkeyeg (talk · contr).

Prophet's Lesson seems to be implying that Anduin in some form will be the leader.--SWM2448 23:16, 3 January 2014 (UTC)
Yes, I know that it is implied to be Anduin. But that doesn't warrant the way the entry was written. It admits the identity is unclear and is possibly Anduin in a parenthetical statement; that part is fine. But Prophet's Lesson doesn't say at all that it is a human, which the entry has in the non-parenthetical part, asserting that it is a fact. If there is another source that definitely identifies the leader as a human, it should be cited. -Aquamonkeyeg (talk) 18:25, 6 January 2014 (UTC)

"Members of the Army of the Light have received lifespans comparable to an elf."

Source? Or is it just based on that quote that Turalyon and Alleria have been fighting the Legion for a thousand years? - Linneris (talk) 19:20, 30 August 2017 (UTC)

Sounds like fanfic, yeah. Especially since draenei can naturally live much older... Xporc (talk) 19:33, 30 August 2017 (UTC)
It's from Lady Liadrin. -- MyMindWontQuiet 01:31, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
Alright, my bad. Xporc (talk) 07:04, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
I have a tendency to put stuff here before I had the time to format the source correctly, due to the fact that I'm always switching between screens (computer, mobile, on, off..), so my bad. But here's a pic. -- MyMindWontQuiet 09:15, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
I believe you, don't worry! It's just that when the original quote was posted, I didn't checked for who posted it. If I had seen that it was you I'd have reserved from my harsh comment, plus the whole sentence is kinda crappy considering each elven race has a different timespan... but since it's official, well, can't refute it. Xporc (talk) 09:23, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
I'd actually say that's not necessarily what she's saying. She could just as easily be remarking on the natural longevity of the draenei. -- Dark T Zeratul (talk) 09:26, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
Yes, that was my interpretation too. Which is kind of weird because draenei seem to naturally live much longer than elves. (High and blood elves definitely die of old age, and night elves only didn't because of Nordrassil, and only until the Third War.) - Linneris (talk) 12:06, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
Yup, night elves and blood elves have similar life spans. I imagine same goes for nightborne now that the Nightwell's gone. So it makes sense that she'd use the general term "elves" here. Plus she may imply that this "long-living" is due to what she mentions right before, the "Light empowerement". It's true that the entire AoL is made of draenei, except for like 3 exceptions, however. The weird thing is that none of these elves are even remotely comparable to the eredar/draenei who are way, way more long lived than any kind of elf. 25 000 years ago the elven race didn't even exist, and their life spans are of a few thousand years no more. -- MyMindWontQuiet 12:51, 31 August 2017 (UTC)

Draenei or eredar

Should the members of the Army of the Light be tagged as draenei or eredar? Should we create a new Category:Man'ari eredar for the demons and have Category:Eredar for the Argus-born people like the Army? Xporc (talk) 14:13, 31 August 2017 (UTC)

They're split from Velen's group, aren't they? I'd say draenei. ReignTG (talk) 14:53, 31 August 2017 (UTC)
I am not sure. Was there only one dimensional ship who saved the exiled ones? Maybe we should discuss this in a few weeks, when the Argus storyline is completely unlocked. Xporc (talk) 14:56, 31 August 2017 (UTC)

They are draenei. I was thinking about this not too long ago and found the Army of the Light reputation's description : "After the fall of Argus, the draenei's finest warriors followed the prime naaru Xe'ra across the cosmos in an eternal war to bring about the Legion's end. Since then, other survivors of the Burning Crusade have joined the ranks of the Lightforged." -- MyMindWontQuiet 16:19, 31 August 2017 (UTC)

Alright, that settles it then. Xporc (talk) 17:12, 31 August 2017 (UTC)

They are all Draenei apart from Captain Fareeya, Her crest on her forehead, Her differently twisted horns and her yellow eyes and the fact i even asked a GM who confirmed it surely proves that i was right. She is an Eredar, Not a Draenei. The fact you just keep changing this back is annoying and petty, People who wish to learn lore will be dissuaded by this because it is wrong. Just because you think it's right doesn't mean it is. —The preceding unsigned comment was added by Death storm91 (talk · contr).

He's right to change it back because we had to discuss it first, here. Now, her horns are not differently twisted compared to draenei (in lore) as you can see here and here. As for the eyes, nearly all Army of the Light soldiers have golden eyes. Finally, the "crest on her forehead" is no distinctive feature of the eredar. -- MyMindWontQuiet 14:28, 1 September 2017 (UTC)
What was said above. A draenei is merely an original eredar who fled before their demonic transformation. It's a matter of name, not of racial features. Xporc (talk) 14:30, 1 September 2017 (UTC)
Wowpedia's experience with GM answers hasn't been very positive, but do you have a picture of that conversation? --Mordecay (talk) 15:15, 1 September 2017 (UTC)

Just so everyone's on the same channel: all the people listed here are eredar, born on Argus. But they are classified as draenei since they fled Argus after the Burning Legion's takeover. That's how it works. In the end it's probably true that Captain Fareeya is an eredar, but so are Velen, Hakmud of Argus, Jessera of Mac'Aree, and so on... But they are also draenei, because they left Argus. That's it. Xporc (talk) 15:24, 1 September 2017 (UTC)

Even though any given GM in a conversation may be entirely correct, his word is not an official, and as such, credible, source per se. If there is anything ingame or in other official material that suggests that they are considdered eredar, we can go from there. But for now I think listing them as draenei makes more sense, according to the reasons stated above. She, and several other "Army of the Light" members do have horn variations not available to draenei players, but that doesn't in and of itself mean that they are eredar. PeterWind (talk) 16:26, 1 September 2017 (UTC)
I do have a link right here @Mordecay. GM chat They are classed as both but they should be listed as Eredar since they were not there when Velen changed their name to the "Exiled" ones. But regardless it's still going to confuse people who wish to learn lore, Proper lore. They are Eredar, It makes sense. Heck i RP a Sayaad who seeks redemption, That's not so strange. Death storm91 (talk) 14:23, 2 September 2017 (UTC)
So essentially, a GM told you the exact same thing we've been saying to you in the last days. Hurray. Xporc (talk) 14:34, 2 September 2017 (UTC)
That GM is literally saying she's a draenei. Yes, she's also an eredar, but that's because all draenei are eredar. "Eredar" is the name of the species, "Draenei" is an identity, the name of a faction. -- MyMindWontQuiet 15:05, 2 September 2017 (UTC)


So.. the in-game reputation too is called 'Army of the Light'. -- MyMindWontQuiet 17:07, 5 September 2017 (UTC)

Yes, and? Xporc (talk) 19:07, 5 September 2017 (UTC)

Eredar page move

Discussion moved to Talk:Eredar


So, did the AotL join the Alliance? Or it's just the draenei? And in-game the lighforged have the Army as in-game faction? --Ryon21 (talk) 00:56, 31 January 2018 (UTC)

The only non-draenei members as far as I can tell are Alleria, Turalyon, and Lothraxion, so if the draenei joined then the Army technically did too. ReignTG (talk) 01:00, 31 January 2018 (UTC)