Skeezy Whillzap

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HordeSkeezy Whillzap
Image of Skeezy Whillzap
Gender Male
Race Goblin (Humanoid)
Level 10-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Bilgewater Cartel
Location Bambala, Northern Stranglethorn[63.6, 39.8]

Skeezy Whillzap is a goblin quest giver in Bambala in Northern Stranglethorn. During the events of Rise of the Zandalari, he was poisoned but soon healed by Bwemba.




There's a lot of money out there in that jungle, <race>. Can you see it?

No, it doesn't look like gold or copper. It looks like raptor hides, and mineral veins, and ancient troll artifacts.

OK, maybe the mineral veins might look like gold or copper.

But still, you get my point, right?

Patch changes

External links