The Universal Key

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HordeThe Universal Key
Start Skeezy Whillzap
End Skeezy Whillzap
Level 10-30
Category Northern Stranglethorn
Experience 2,300
Reputation +250 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards 25s
Previous H [10-30] The Mosh'Ogg Bounty


Open the Mosh'Ogg Bounty by fighting a Venture Co. Shredder or by using the sawblade in the Venture Company lumber mill.


We're going to need something even stronger than those beefy <race> hands of yours to open this. And the Venture Company schlubs to the northwest might have just the thing.

Last time I was over there, I saw shredders walking around with giant rotating blades on their hands. That's one way to open a box!

If you can't find any shredders, you might also try the giant sawblade in their lumber mill, by the lake.


You will receive: 25s


You get that chest open yet? I can't wait to see what's inside.


<The goblin peers inside.>


I'm... I'm going to have to send this to... to Flem... in the south. He'll know what to do with it.


To open the bounty, hover over a sawblade and interact with it once the cursor changes to the gear (Pointer gear on 32x32.png).


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