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Situational Awareness

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NeutralSituational Awareness
Start Aemyra Acton
End Aemyra Acton
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 11,150
Rewards 23g 40s
Previous N [75-78] If It Leads, It Bleeds & N [75-78] Cage, Match
Next N [75-78] Spears for Fears & N [75-78] Reclaiming Velhan's Claim


Speak with 10 citizens of Velhan's Claim.


Regardless of what history Taenar and Velhan have between them, we need to take care of the people here at Velhan's Claim.

<Name>, will you please check in with the families here? Let them know we're here to help.

See if they're worried or need anything. And reassure them that the Lamplighters will drive back the kobyss.


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 11,150 XP


It's so important to reassure the citizens of Velhan's Claim, <name>, that they'll get through this. Hope is everything in dark times.


We're here to help. But I've learned in the past, that there are times hope and reassurance can be the most urgent need.

While you were talking with the residents, Taenar and I have determined what our next steps are going to be.

We need to give the people room to breathe, but we also need to prepare them to fight.


Duke Velhan has gossip:

The people know I'm keeping them safe, <name>, but we can drive the kobyss back faster with your help.

Gossip What can you tell me about this place?

Well, after I was decorated for my leadership as captain of the Indomitable, I decided to retire from military life.

I wanted to build something. To lead people into a calmer, safer life, outside of Mereldar, and under the light of Beledar.

I found several like-minded families, and we founded Velhan's Claim together several years back.

We were really beginning to thrive, before this kobyss attack. We've been waiting them out for several weeks. They'll leave soon, I'm sure--and perhaps even sooner with your help.

Taenar does as well:

This is a big task, even for a pair of Lamplighters! There are a lot of kobyss surrounding Velhan's Claim.

Gossip What's the history with you and Velhan?

There's definitely history. But my history isn't the public version, that paints him as a hero.

Velhan was my captain, back in the service, on the Indomitable.

We were out on patrol, looking for any signs of encroaching threats—nerubians, fungarians, or anything else that might come at us from these caverns we were still getting to know. We hadn't encountered the kobyss yet.

Things went well enough for most of our patrol, until the crystal changed.

Gossip What happened when the crystal darkened?

This was the first time it had ever happened. After years of steady, unwavering light, we all froze. None of us had any idea what this meant.

Velhan was the first to move, after I'm not sure how long. He said we had to get back to Mereldar, to protect the city from whatever was happening.

Brave, I guess. But without Beledar's light, we hit an outcropping of rock we couldn't see. Broke it loose, in fact. It crashed into the water down below, but not before tearing our envelope and putting a hole in the bow.

That was the start of a wild ride down. Two things you shouldn't combine: falling and darkness. Not all of us lived through it. But our impact wasn't the end of the nightmare.

Gossip What else could go wrong?

You'd think that'd be the worst. But Velhan learned the wrong lesson from what happened.

Instead of evaluating before acting, he chose not to act. We were in a broken ship, many of us injured, and when we should have started finding our way to safety, he decided we should stay and wait for help.

And for the first time, the kobyss were coming ashore. We couldn't even see them in the darkness. Our first indication of trouble was the screams of a crewmate, carried away.

< Taenar sighs. >

The report Velhan made back at Mereldar was very different from what happened.

Upon accept go talk to Velhanite Citizens and Velhanite Children. Velhanite Citizens gossip:

We've been locked up in here for weeks. It's getting hard to stay sane, honestly. And then... the alternative seems to be being killed and eaten by the kobyss.

I'll be honest, I'm going pretty crazy. How long does he think we can stay cooped up in here, even if our food doesn't run out?

I'm worried that bringing my family here was a mistake.

I'm confident Duke Velhan has things well in hand. He's a great leader!

You know, it's because of his leadership that relatively few of his Arathi were lost at Velhan's Fall.

Everyone knows what a great hero Duke Velhan is. I'm sure he's got a plan to take care of the kobyss.

But what if he doesn't? What if he's as scared as we are, but just chooses not to show it?

I trusted Duke Velhan to lead us when we moved our family here from Mereldar.

But all he's done is stay inside and tell us to wait. Does he think the kobyss will just go away?

I'm so glad the Lamplighters are here. We've been shut inside for weeks, and the kobyss have had us under siege for most of that time.

Velhanite children gossip:

There's a limit to how often you can race up the stairs screaming.

And you can only play so much Light's Gambit!

What's gonna happen? When can we play outside again?

I'm not sure I can spend any more time with my brother. Are the kobyss gone yet?

I heard the kobyss are gonna eat us. Is that true?

Max's dad has a plan, right?

My dad says I can't push my sister outside, even if she keeps bothering me!

Gossip Reassure them that the Lamplighters will take care of things.:

Velhanite citizen responses:

  • Velhanite Citizen says: Well, I'm glad you believe that. I wish I were more sure.
  • Velhanite Citizen says: Thank you, <name>, that's reassuring.
  • Velhanite Citizen says: I hope you know what you're talking about, <name>.

Velhanite children responses:

  • Velhanite Child says: I hope you're right!
  • Velhanite Child says: You'd better be right! I don't want to get eaten.
  • Velhanite Child says: Yeah, but I'm still pretty scared of the kobyss.
  • Velhanite Child says: Oh, good! Want to play?

Upon approaching Maximillian Velhan who is playig with some other kids:

Velhanite Child says: Yeah, but I'm still pretty scared of the kobyss.
Maximillian Velhan says: I already told you, my dad is going to take care of them. He's a hero!
Maximillian Velhan says: I'm going to be one too, just like him.
Velhanite Child says: I sure hope you're right, Max! There are a lot of kobyss out there.

Talk to Maximillian:

Hi, I'm Max! My dad is the leader here. And a great hero!

Gossip Don't worry, Max. The Lamplighters will...

Oh, I know everything is going to be fine. My dad will beat the kobyss here, just like he did when the crystal first went dark. He's just waiting for the right time.

I hope I can be a hero like him someday!

Upon return:

Taenar Strongoth says: ...but the Kobyss aren't just going to go away if you wait long enough.
Duke Velhan says: Taenar, we don't have a choice. This is a farming community.
Duke Velhan says: We left our arms in Mereldar to live in peace. I'm the only one here with proper equipment for a battle.
Taenar Strongoth says: And yet you're holed up here, instead of defending your people. Some things never change, Velhan.
Duke Velhan says: Enough, Taenar. Risk your life fighting the Kobyss if you wish, but we will wait them out.


  1. N [75-78] Lights Out
  2. N [75-78] If It Leads, It Bleeds & N [75-78] Cage, Match
  3. N [75-78] Situational Awareness
  4. N [75-78] Spears for Fears & N [75-78] Reclaiming Velhan's Claim
  5. N [75-78] Teach a Man to Fish
  6. N [75-78] The One That Got Away & N [75-78] Crash Recovery
  7. N [75-78] Lamp Lit

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