The One That Got Away (Hallowfall)

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For the Howling Fjord quest, see A [10-30] The One That Got Away. For the Outland fishing daily, see N Fishing [30 Daily] The One That Got Away.
NeutralThe One That Got Away
Start Duke Velhan
End Duke Velhan
Level 75-78
Category Hallowfall
Experience 13,950
Rewards 46g 80s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [75-78] Teach a Man to Fish
Next N [75-78] Lamp Lit


Boneseer Hookjaw
The kobyss leader in this area is adept at necromancy, even on victims that died years ago.

Rescue Maximillian at the crash of the Indomitable.


<Name>, my son is out with the kobyss. He convinced the other kids they should sneak out with him to fight. Said they should, "be brave like my dad".

When they met a kobyss, the others all ran back here, while he ran toward the crashed ship, to lead it away.

I have not handled myself bravely, <name>. The story of the Indomitable says I was a hero; those lies were my report.

If there was ever a time to step up, it's now. But I'm no match for the kobyss alone. Come with me, <name>--help me save Maximillian.


You will receive:

  • 46g 80s
  • 13,950 XP


Stay focused, <name>--we have to find my son.


I know it sounds trite, <name>, but I could never thank you enough for getting Max home safely.

Through all this, you've also shown me I need to be out front, leading the way for my people. I've seen there are outcomes worse than death.

I can't undo the mistakes I've made in the past, but I can be certain not to repeat the pattern.


Upon accept:

Taenar Strongoth says: Velhan, I hope you find Max safe.
Duke Velhan says: If Max... I could never live with that. Let's go, <name>.

Duke Velhan's follows you, and he has new gossip:

Please, <name>, there will be time to talk later. Right now, I need your help to find Maximillian!

Upon reaching the Indomitable's crash site:

Duke Velhan says: The crash of the Indomitable led to my decision to stop fighting.
Duke Velhan says: Perhaps it's fate that she plays a role in me taking up my sword again.

Go slay Boneseer Hookjaw:

Boneseer Hookjaw yells: Make kobyss strong!
Boneseer Hookjaw yells: More bones!
Boneseer Hookjaw yells: Kobyss... devour.
Duke Velhan says: Stay away from my son. And the people of Velhan's Claim!

Upon finding Maximillian:

Maximillian Velhan says: Dad? ...I thought the airship would be safe but it wasn't, so I hid here. I was scared!
Duke Velhan says: It's okay, Max, we're here. Let's go home.
Maximillian Velhan says: I'm sorry, I wanted to help fight the kobyss, but they were bigger than I thought, so I ran...
Duke Velhan says: <Name>, we'll meet you back at the Claim. Thank you for getting me back to Maximillian!

Upon completion:

Duke Velhan says: Taenar, I know you've held a grudge against me for years.
Taenar Strongoth says: We don't have to get into it, Velhan.
Duke Velhan says: No, I failed you, and the crew. And covered it with lies. I can't make right what happened back then.
Duke Velhan says: What's more, I failed my people here when the Kobyss attacked, staying back and waiting for them to leave.
Maximillian Velhan says: What? Dad, that's not true!
Duke Velhan says: My cowardice endangered us all, even Maximillian. I'm sorry, Max, it is.
Taenar Strongoth says: I'm the last one to say you shouldn't be hard on yourself. But you showed up today.
Duke Velhan says: I had to, Taenar. And things will be different going forward.
Duke Velhan says: Better to charge into the darkness than hide in denial. You and <name> helped me to see that.

Duke Velhan has new gossip:

<Name>, I hate to think what would have happened to Maximillian without your help.

I also know I would be the same coward, had you, Taenar and Aemyra not come to help Velhan's Claim.

It's going to be hard, but I'm going to approach everything differently going forward. Thank you.

Gossip What's the future hold for Velhan's Claim?

Velhan's Claim was built on lies, <name>. Lies I told, and lies I allowed people to tell around me.

I take responsibility for that.

It's going to be rebuilt on two things: truth and courage. The people have to know the story of the Indomitable, and how I failed that night. They have to know that the Claim won't be safe, or idyllic.

There will be more kobyss, perhaps other threats. We'll need to fight to protect it.

If they wish, I'll step down from leading. If they'll continue to have me, though, I'll be honest with them about risks and hardships.

And we'll work together to face them courageously.


  1. N [75-78] Lights Out
  2. N [75-78] If It Leads, It Bleeds & N [75-78] Cage, Match
  3. N [75-78] Situational Awareness
  4. N [75-78] Spears for Fears & N [75-78] Reclaiming Velhan's Claim
  5. N [75-78] Teach a Man to Fish
  6. N [75-78] The One That Got Away & N [75-78] Crash Recovery
  7. N [75-78] Lamp Lit

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