Shalrinar Shimmersong

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AllianceShalrinar Shimmersong
Image of Shalrinar Shimmersong
Gender Female
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Former affiliation(s) Primalists
Location Viridescent Thicket, Amirdrassil
Status Alive

Shalrinar Shimmersong is a night elf located in the Viridescent Thicket in Amirdrassil.

Objective of



If I had only known earlier what Fyrakk was planning...

Gossip <Tell me what you know about Koroleth.>

I switched sides after I learned our true target in the Dream was a new world tree. I don't know for sure if Koroleth knew the truth, but I believe it was kept from her.

I cannot imagine she would willingly be part of an assault on Amirdrassil. If she had survived, she might even be standing with us here today.

Patch changes

External links