Server:Draenor US/Crafting List

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This article is an information page for the Draenor realm (server)

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The information and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only.

When modifying please preview the page, check your spelling and do your best to keep items alphabetized so this page stays neat and tidy.



Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
** [Elixir Master]** Kloude, Tigersmane, Vor Glenin, Janti, Pulchritude, Thronus, Zexytoo
 [Elixir of Empowerment] Insanitynow
 [Elixir of Major Defense] Thronus, Zexytoo
 [Elixir of Major Firepower] Endac, Mewlyn, Zur Glenin, Janti, Sarya
 [Elixir of Major Mageblood] Fahren, Insanitynow, Mewlyn, Tigersmane, Zur Pulchritude
 [Elixir of Major Frost Power] Endac, Kloude, Tigersmane
 [Elixir of Major Shadow Power] Insanitynow, Kloude Glenin, Janti
 [Elixir of the Searching Eye]
 [Fel Strength Elixir] Kloude, Lovecraft, Mewlyn, Shzaam, Tigersmane, Zur Thronus


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Flask of Blinding Light] Insanitynow, Okra Pulchritude, Sarya, Zexytoo
 [Flask of Chromatic Wonder]
 [Flask of Distilled Wisdom] Blizzeh, Ghaern, Jedivh, Radiance, Zur Kathertia, Moebius, Sarhin, Zexytoo
 [Flask of Fortification] Endac, Fahren, Insanitynow, Jamkilla, Radiance Drweird, Pulchritude, Thronus, Zexytoo
 [Flask of Mighty Restoration] Insanitynow, Mewlyn, Radiance, Vor Avian, Glenin, Janti, Pulchritude, Zexytoo
 [Potion of Petrification] Anthracis, Blizzeh, Curh, Endac, Faulkner, Ghaern, Kathertia, Landragoran, Lovecraft, Mewlyn, Mythic, Shulman, Zur, Zyzzyx Blightedbeef, Kathucka, Moebius, Sarhin
 [Flask of Pure Death] Mewlyn, Notatank, Okra Sarya, Thronus, Zexytoo
 [Flask of Relentless Assault] Aurvandil, Endac, Kloude, Mewlyn, Vor, Zur Earcher, Janti, Pulchritude, Sarya, Shimbo, Zennith, Thronus, Zexytoo
 [Flask of Supreme Power] Coleman, Curh, Endac, Krieg, Lahmu, Lurintyra, Peggysuzy, Radiance, Shulman, Zur, Zyzzyx Kathertia, Kathucka, Moebius, Sarhin, Zexytoo


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
** [Potion Master]** Judgeazrael
 [Destruction Potion] Insanitynow, Mewlyn Judgeazrael
 [Fel Mana Potion] Endac, Fahren, Insanitynow, Mewlyn, Shzaam, Tigersmane, Zur Judgeazrael, Sarya, Zexytoo
 [Fel Regeneration Potion] Endac, Mewlyn, Zur Glenin
 [Living Action Potion] Curh, Endac, Faulkner, Landragoran, Mythic, Zur Judgeazrael, Moebius
 [Heroic Potion] Judgeazrael
 [Haste Potion] Insanitynow, Kloude Judgeazrael
 [Insane Strength Potion] Mewlyn Judgeazrael
 [Ironshield Potion] Fahren, Tigersmane, Zur Judgeazrael, Sarya, Zexytoo
 [Major Troll's Blood Elixir] Brutalwake, Curh, Endac, Faulkner, Landragoran, Lovecraft, Mewlyn, Mythic, Radiance, Zur Grumara, Moebius, Sarhin
 [Shrouding Potion] Judgeazrael
 [Super Rejuvenation Potion] Tigersmane, Vor Pulchritude,Zexytoo

Protection Potions

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Major Arcane Protection Potion] Kloude, Zur
 [Major Fire Protection Potion] Endac, Zur Glenin, Sarya
 [Major Frost Protection Potion] Endac, Fahren Janti
 [Major Holy Protection Potion] Mewlyn, Zur
 [Major Nature Protection Potion] Endac, Insanitynow, Mewlyn, Zur Sarya
 [Major Shadow Protection Potion] Lovecraft, Zur




Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Felsteel Gloves] Stitches Astelle, Gahagan
 [Felsteel Helm] Astelle, Gahagan, Sepultor
 [Felsteel Leggings] Astelle, Gahagan
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Khorium Belt] Stitches Gahagan, Sepultor
 [Khorium Boots] Gahagan
 [Khorium Pants] Stitches Gahagan, Sepultor
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Ragesteel Breastplate] Stitches Gahagan
 [Ragesteel Gloves] Stitches Gahagan
 [Ragesteel Helm] Stitches Gahagan
 [Ragesteel Shoulders] Stitches Sepultor


Enchanted Adamantite
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Enchanted Adamantite Breastplate] Distina, Stitches
 [Enchanted Adamantite Belt] Distina, Stitches
 [Enchanted Adamantite Boots] Distina, Stitches
 [Enchanted Adamantite Leggings] Distina, Stitches
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Flamebane Bracers] Daddylow Earcher, Gahagan, Sepultor
 [Flamebane Breastplate] Daddylow Earcher, Gahagan, Sepultor
 [Flamebane Gloves] Daddylow Earcher, Gahagan, Sepultor
 [Flamebane Helm] Daddylow Earcher, Gahagan, Sepultor
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Iceguard Breastplate] Gahagan
 [Iceguard Helm] Gahagan
 [Iceguard Leggings] Gahagan
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Wildguard Breastplate] Distina Gahagan
 [Wildguard Helm] Distina Gahagan
 [Wildguard Leggings] Distina Gahagan

Individual Pieces

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Earthpeace Breastplate] Gahagan
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Felfury Gauntlets] Gahagan
 [Gauntlets of the Iron Tower] Gahagan
 [Steelgrip Gauntlets] Click
 [Swiftsteel Gloves] Gahagan, Astelle
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Helm of the Stalwart Defender] Stitches Gahagan
 [Oathkeeper's Helm] Cowhide
 [Storm Helm] Stitches Cowhide, Gahagan
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Swiftsteel Shoulders]
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Red Belt of Battle] Click
 [Belt of the Guardian]
Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Black Felsteel Bracers] Silentmon
 [Blessed Bracers] Click, Devine Earcher, Gahagan
 [Bracers of the Green Fortress] Destina, Devine, Keina Astelle, Gahagan, Xnub
 [Dawnsteel Bracers]
 [Swiftsteel Bracers]


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Eternium Runed Blade] Earcher, Gahagan
 [Fel Edged Battleaxe] Gahagan
 [Fel Hardened Maul] Devine Gahagan, Ledgic
 [Felsteel Longblade] Tharas Earcher, Gahagan
 [Felsteel Reaper] Gahagan
 [Hand of Eternity] Click, Devine Gahagan
 [Khorium Champion] Chaith Cowhide, Earcher, Gahagan
 [Runic Hammer] Fastrike Gahagan
 [Dirge] Devine, Stitches Gahagan


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Elemental Sharpening Stone] Chippendale, Kahless, Ryuu, Tharas, Vaderdynamit, Constance Gahagan
 [Adamantite Weapon Chain]
 [Steel Weapon Chain] Arterous, Daveyboy, Kahless, Toy, Xecutor Gahagan



Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant Cloak - Dodge Dreampriest, Judgeazrael
 [Enchant Cloak - Greater Arcane Resistance] Electrismoon, Kiitos, Lightbeam, Mckenna, Shunyata, Zefiris Barclauris, Chaosblader, Daelric, Eliteevil, Judgeazrael, Sieraj, Zaniah
 [Enchant Cloak - Greater Shadow Resistance] Kiitos, Shunyata, Yuka Barclauris, Judgeazrael, Nyxed
 [Enchant Cloak - Major Resistance] Dreampriest, Judgeazrael
Enchant Cloak - PvP Power Azurith, Electrismoon, Hylus, Lightbeam, Mckenna, Shunyata, Yuka Dreampriest, Faelina, Judgeazrael, Nyxed, Shadowbovine, Yukka, Zaniah
Enchant Cloak - Stealth Dreampriest, Judgeazrael
Enchant Cloak - Subtlety Dreampriest, Judgeazrael


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats Dreampriest, Faelina
Enchant Chest - Major Resilience Hylus, Lightbeam, Moime Shadowbovine


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed Artin, Djsi Barclauris, Eliteevil, Judgeazrael, Nyxed, Zaniah
Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness Lightbeam, Vattican Judgeazrael
Enchant Boots - Dexterity Djsi Daelric, Rayford, Yukka, Zaniah
Enchant Boots - Fortitude Avalya, Azurith, Erbal, Kiitos, Lightbeam Cowhide, Dreampriest, Nyxed, Shadowbovine, Zaniah
Enchant Boots - Surefooted Djsi, Electrismoon Dreampriest, Neurox, Shadowbovine, Yukka
Enchant Boots - Vitality Judgeazrael


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant Gloves - Major Healing Artin, Azurith, Electrismoon, Hylus, Lightbeam, Mckenna, Shunyata Dreampriest, Faelina, Judgeazrael, Nyxed, Shadowbovine, Yukka, Zaniah
Enchant Gloves - Major Spellpower Artin, Avalya, Azurith, Djsi, Electrismoon, Erbal, Hylus, Impatient, Lightbeam, Mckenna, Shunyata, Yuka Barclauris, Daelric, Dreampriest, Eliteevil, Faelina, Judgeazrael, Octaris, Shadowbovine, Sidekyck, Sieraj, Thurseyota, Nyxed, Yukka, Zaniah
Enchant Gloves - Spell Strike Azurith, Djsi, Electrismoon, Erbal, Hylus, Impatient, Lightbeam, Shunyata, Yuka Barclauris, Daelric, Dreampriest, Eliteevil, Faelina, Judgeazrael, Nyxed, Shadowbovine, Sieraj, Thurseyota, Yukka, Zaniah
Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility Dreampriest, Judgeazrael
Enchant Gloves - Threat Dreampriest, Judgeazrael


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Enchant Shield - Resistance] Judgeazrael
Enchant Shield - Parry Judgeazrael
Enchant Shield - Lesser Dodge Dreampriest, Faelina, Judgeazrael


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant 2H Weapon - Major Agility Bannou, Hylus, Lightbeam, Shunyata, Zefiris Archonis, Daelric, Dreampriest, Sieraj, Thurseyota, Yukka
Enchant 2H Weapon - Savagery Avalya, Bannou, Electrismoon, Erbal, Hylus, Lightbeam, Livia, Mckenna, Shunyata, Zefiris Archonis, Cowhide, Dreampriest, Eliteevil, Judgeazrael, Thurseyota, Zaniah
Enchant Weapon - Battlemaster
Enchant Weapon - Executioner Merkin, Nightpet, Octaris, Ruach, Teckdragon, Zaniah
Enchant Weapon - Greater Agility Dreampriest, Judgeazrael
Enchant Weapon - Major Healing Azurith, Djsi, Electrismoon, Erbal, Hylus, Impatient, Lightbeam, Shunyata Archonis, Barclauris, Chaosblader, Daelric, Dreampriest, Eliteevil, Faelina, Judgeazrael, Nyxed, Octaris, Shadowbovine, Sieraj, Thurseyota, Yukka, Zaniah
Enchant Weapon - Major Intellect Avalya, Azurith, Hylus, Kiitos, Mckenna, Shunyata Acharmedone, Barclauris, Dreampriest, Eliteevil, Judgeazrael, Nyxed, Shadowbovine, Sieraj
Enchant Weapon - Major Spellpower Artin, Azurith, Djsi, Erbal, Hylus, Impatient, Kiitos, Lafein, Lightbeam, Mckenna, Moime, Shunyata, Zefiris Barclauris, Daelric, Dreampriest, Eliteevil, Faelina, Judgeazrael, Nyxed, Octaris, Shadowbovine, Sidekyck, Yukka
Enchant Weapon - Major Striking Azurith Dreampriest, Eliteevil, Judgeazrael, Shadowbovine, Yukka, Zaniah
Enchant Weapon - Mongoose Azurith, Coua, Djsi, Yuka Judgeazrael, Nightpet, Nyxed, Sidekyck, Xnub
Enchant Weapon - Potency Lightbeam Barclauris, Loneshugo, Shadowbovine, Yukka
Enchant Weapon - Soulfrost Djsi, Electrismoon Dreampriest, Shadowbovine, Yukka
Enchant Weapon - Spellsurge Yukka
Enchant Weapon - Sunfire Djsi Eliteevil, Faelina


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Enchant Bracer - Fortitude Avalya, Hylus, Shunyata Cowhide, Dreampriest, Eliteevil, Barclauris, Sieraj, Shadowbovine, Yukka
Enchant Bracer - Greater Dodge Judgeazrael
Enchant Bracer - Restore Mana Prime Judgeazrael
Enchant Bracer - Spellpower Artin, Erbal, Hylus, Impatient, Lightbeam, Moime Judgeazrael, Shadowbovine, Sidekyck
Enchant Bracer - Superior Healing Artin, Azurith, Electrismoon, Erbal, Hylus, Lightbeam, Mckenna, Shunyata Dreampriest, Faelina, Judgeazrael, Nyxed, Shadowbovine, Yukka, Zaniah


All Use

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Biznicks 247x128 Accurascope] Felixtheguy, Hakworth, Lynda, Tulipscent Knoll
 [Felsteel Boomstick]
 [Healing Potion Injector] Berae
 [Khorium Scope] Anthracis, Farling Yukka
 [Mana Potion Injector]
 [Ornate Khorium Rifle]
 [Stabilized Eternium Scope] Anthracis, Farling Neajane, Yukka


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Elemental Seaforium Charge]
 [Hyper-Radiant Flame Reflector] Drabes, Invincible, Jacena, Landragoran, Tulipscent Hoofarted, Maloctis, Sameji, Sarcophilia, Tourach, Voragaath
 [Hyper-Vision Goggles]
 [Power Amplification Goggles]
 [Rocket Boots Xtreme]
 [Snowmaster 9000] Berae
 [Ultra-Flash Shadow Reflector] Anthracis, Beovulf, Drabes, Invincible, Tulipscent, Turimbooze Sarcophilia, Tourach



Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
Transmute: Earthstorm Diamond
 [Bracing Earthstorm Diamond] Bohle, Yuka, Primoo
 [Brutal Earthstorm Diamond] Primoo
 [Insightful Earthstorm Diamond] Bohle, Kaisa, Primo, Yuka Bloodbane, Jarith, Shapz
 [Powerful Earthstorm Diamond] Bohle, Kaisa, Primo, Yuka Jarith
 [Relentless Earthstorm Diamond] Bohle, Primoo
 [Tenacious Earthstorm Diamond] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Jarith
Transmute: Skyfire Diamond
 [Destructive Skyfire Diamond] Bohle, Primoo
 [Enigmatic Skyfire Diamond] Bohle, Kaisa, Primo, Yuka Jarith
 [Mystical Skyfire Diamond] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Jarith, Maxthepriest
 [Swift Skyfire Diamond] Bohle, Kaisa, Primo, Yuka Jarith
 [Thundering Skyfire Diamond] Bohle, Primoo


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Gleaming Dawnstone] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo, Yuka
 [Great Dawnstone] Bohle, Primoo Jarith
 [Mystic Dawnstone] Bohle, Primoo Shapz
 [Smooth Dawnstone] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo, Yuka
 [Subtle Dawnstone] Bohle, Kaisa, Micheline, Primoo Shapz
 [Thick Dawnstone] Bohle, Kaisa, Micheline, Primoo, Yuka

Living Ruby

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Bold Living Ruby] Bohle, Kaisa, Micheline, Primoo
 [Bright Living Ruby] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo
 [Brilliant Living Ruby] Bohle, Micheline, Primoo
 [Delicate Living Ruby] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Jarith, Shapz
 [Flashing Living Ruby] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Shapz
 [Runed Living Ruby] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Jarith, Shapz
 [Teardrop Living Ruby] Bohle, Kaisa, Micheline, Primoo


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Balanced Nightseye] Bohle, Primoo Shapz
 [Glinting Nightseye] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Jarith
 [Infused Nightseye] Bohle, Primoo
 [Purified Nightseye] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Shapz
 [Shifting Nightseye] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo
 [Sovereign Nightseye] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Jarith
 [Timeless Nightseye] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo
 [Veiled Nightseye] Bohle, Primoo

Noble Topaz

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Deadly Noble Topaz] Primoo
 [Inscribed Noble Topaz] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Bloodbane
 [Luminous Noble Topaz] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo
 [Potent Noble Topaz] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo

Star of Elune

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Lustrous Star of Elune] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo, Yuka Shapz
 [Rigid Star of Elune] Bohle, Kaisa, Micheline, Primoo Jarith
 [Solid Star of Elune] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Bloodbane, Skagga
 [Sparkling Star of Elune] Bohle, Primoo Shapz
 [Stormy Star of Elune] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Jarith, Shapz


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Dazzling Talasite] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo
 [Enduring Talasite] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo Jarith
 [Jagged Talasite] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo
 [Radiant Talasite] Bohle, Kaisa, Primoo
 [Steady Talasite] Shapz


Armor Kits

Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Arcane Armor Kit]
 [Flame Armor Kit]
 [Frost Armor Kit]
 [Nature Armor Kit]
 [Shadow Armor Kit]
 [Nethercobra Leg Armor] Jasmindra Jacee, Tynga
 [Nethercleft Leg Armor] Archurion, Jasmindra, Sabermoon, Shunyata, Xylia Jacee, Thurseyota, Tynga


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Bag of Many Hides]
 [Drums of Battle] Archurion, Corbael, Diane, Jasmindra, Shunyata Thurseyota, Tynga
 [Drums of Panic] Diane, Shunyata Tynga
 [Drums of Restoration] Diane, Jasmindra Jacee, Tynga
 [Drums of Speed] Diane, Jasmindra Tynga
 [Netherscale Ammo Pouch] Tynga
 [Quiver of a Thousand Feathers] Tynga



Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Thick Netherscale Breastplate] Janus Archurion, Jamirus
 [Shadowprowler's Chestguard]


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Earthen Netherscale Boots] Jasmindra Jacee, Moto
 [Netherfury Boots] Jasmindra


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Cobrascale Gloves] Jacee
 [Gloves of the Living Touch] Archurion, Janus
 [Netherdrake Gloves] Janus Jacee
 [Swiftheal Wraps]
 [Windslayer Wraps] Corbael, Janus, Sabermoon, Shunyata Jacee
 [Windstrike Gloves] Shunyata Jacee


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Cobrascale Hood] Diane, Janus, Jasmindra
 [Hood of Primal Life] Archurion, Enragedelf, Jasmindra, Shunyata Rayford
 [Living Dragonscale Helm] Janus Jacee, Moto
 [Netherdrake Helm] Jamirus
 [Stylin' Adventure Hat] Diane, Janus, Jasmindra, Sabermoon Jamirus
 [Stylin' Crimson Hat] Archurion, Diane, Jasmindra, Xylia Jamirus
 [Stylin' Jungle Hat] Archurion, Ciar, Diane, Janus, Jasmindra, Natesa, Sabermoon, Shunyata, Xylia
 [Stylin' Purple Hat] Archurion, Ciar, Corbael, Diane, Janus, Jasmindra, Natesa, Shunyata, Xylia Jamirus, Thurseyota
 [Windscale Hood] Sabermoon Jamirus


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Fel Leather Leggings]


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Belt of the Black Eagle]
 [Belt of Deep Shadow] Barzahd
 [Belt of Natural Power]
 [Monsoon Belt]


Item AllianceAlliance HordeHorde
 [Bindings of Lightning Reflexes]
 [Bracers of Nimble Thought]
 [Bracers of Renewed Life]
 [Living Earth Bindings]
 [Swiftstrike Bracers]