Felsteel Longblade

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Felsteel Longblade is crafted with Blacksmithing (365); taught by  [Plans: Felsteel Longblade].

Materials required:
Inv ingot 09.png 10x [Khorium Bar] Inv ingot felsteel.png 10x [Felsteel Bar]
Spell nature lightningoverload.png 6x [Primal Might] Inv elemental primal nether.png 2x [Primal Nether]


A blade set to work as either a main hand, off-hand, or both. The agility and stamina used to make it appealing to hunters, while some rogues including those found here: [ EU Rogue Forums] believe its use is limited. Coining it with the term, "Failsteel Lolblade". They also claim that the weapon is: A) Too fast for a Main Hand B) Too slow for an Off Hand. C) Not worth the money at all.

Patch changes

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