Potion of Petrification

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  • Potion of Petrification
  • Use: You turn to stone, absorbing up to 6000 total damage, but you are unable to move, attack, or cast spells. Lasts 30 sec.
  • Requires Level 21
  • Sell Price: 12s 50c

Potion of Petrification is a consumable that protects the player from physical attacks and all spells, but makes the player unable to perform any action.

Previously known as the Flask of Petrification, several quests and items still refer to it by that name.


Potion of Petrification is created by Alchemists with a skill level of 300; taught by  [Recipe: Potion of Petrification].

Materials required:
Inv potion 68.png 7x [Stonescale Oil] Inv alchemy leadedvial.png 1x [Crystal Vial]

As a quest objective

Removed from game The subject of this section has been removed from World of Warcraft.


  • This item will petrify the imbiber until either 30 seconds have passed, or 6,000 damage has been absorbed.
  • It does not remove any buffs (including elixirs and flasks), nor does it remove any debuffs (or prevent future ones from landing). It does not cause loss of aggro, although it does make avoidance (dodge/block/parry) impossible.

Patch changes

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