Sage Liao

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Not to be confused with Liao or Elder Liao.
NeutralSage Liao
Image of Sage Liao
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 20-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Sage
Location Zouchin Strand & Zouchin Province, Kun-Lai Summit
Status Alive
Relative(s) Li Hai (cousin),[1] Deceased family[2]

Sage Liao is a pandaren located in Zouchin Strand in Kun-Lai Summit.

Liao is a healer in the strand's village where he lived with his family and friends. Having been wounded and left on the beach near his house by the Blackmane Mercenaries when the Zandalari Invaders invaded Zouchin, his cousin Li Hai sent an adventurer to check up on Liao.[1] Being the sole survivor, the adventurer healed him.[2] Once on his feet, he asked the adventurer to bring justice by killing Captain Ripflesh and his gnoll mercenaries. He also resolved to bury the dead, and for that he needed materials for an incense and graves. Once justice was enacted and materials collected, Liao sent the adventurer back to inform Li Hai about the funeral, while he gathered the bodies of the fallen and brought them to the graveyard of Zouchin. As the Incense of Life was lit, the villagers of Zouchin gathered, and Liao led the ceremony during which, trees grew from their graves.



Being picked at by an Azure Prickly Crawler
  • Does the agony ever stop?
  • I'm not dead yet you scavenger!
  • What has the world come to when you can't even die without crabs picking at you?
  • How fitting. The fisherman eaten by the fish...
Gossip before and after quests

The... village... dead...

Gossip during quests

The first group that came - the Trolls.. they cared nothing for us - walked right past us, pushing our families out of the way.

The next, though - the mercenaries. They took us prisoner, stole from our homes, and threatened us with death if we resisted.

Main article: Emergency Care#Notes
Main article: A Funeral#Notes


  • Internal strings refer to him as Li Po[3] and Xiao.[4]

Patch changes

See also

  • Sage Liao's Belongings


  1. ^ a b N [20-35] Checking In
  2. ^ a b N [20-35] Emergency Care
  3. ^ [1]
  4. ^ [2]

External links