Runas the Shamed

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NeutralRunas the Shamed
Image of Runas the Shamed
Gender Male
Race(s) Nightfallen (formerly), Withered (Humanoid)
Level 10-45
Reaction Alliance Horde
Alliance Horde
Location Azurewing Repose & Ley-Ruins of Zarkhenar, Azsuna
Status Unknown
Relative(s) Indarril (father)

Runas the Shamed is a nightfallen located in Azsuna.


Like many of his kind, Runas is a nightborne who was exiled from Suramar City and, without the Nightwell's nourishment, began to wither. To sustain himself, he hunted down blue whelps near the Azurewing Repose. After being confronted by an adventurer sent by Stellagosa, Runas asked for forgiveness and offered to help the Azurewing, who were under attack by withered and suffering from an unusual loss of strength. The Azurewing's leader, Senegos, was unconvinced of Runas's intentions.

Runas led the adventurer and a projection of Senegos to the Ley-Ruins of Zarkhenar, where a group of nightborne were pulling energy from the ley lines that converged there. He asked the adventurer to retrieve some mana jewels from the nightborne to fight off his hunger. In exchange, he told them how to disable the nightborne's mana siphons to re-energize Senegos's mana pool.

After taking out the nightborne group's lieutenants, the adventurer attempted to defeat their prince, Ael'Yith. However, Ael'Yith escaped and initiated an assault on the Azurewing, having decided they were an even more potent mana source than the ley lines. Runas returned to the Azurewing Repose in an attempt to warn them of the attack, but he came too late. At this point, Runas's mana withdrawal had advanced to an extreme degree. He bid farewell to the adventurer and thanked them for letting his last few hours mean something, then withered away.

Senegos dedicated an entry in his magical tome to thanking Runas.



Runas withers away.

Objective of

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.



Main article: Runas Knows the Way#Notes
Main article: You Scratch My Back...#Notes
Main article: Hunger's End#Notes
Main article: Runas the Shamed (quest)#Notes


  • I know secrets that would curdle your blood.
  • Elisande will pay for banishing us.
  • I will retake my rightful place.
  • The Nightborne are not what they seem.
  • I'm not accustomed to... such touching.
  • We don't know each other well enough for... this.
  • Two can play it this game. Except my touch actually hurts.
  • Know your place, or be put in it!
  • If you don't stop, I'll drink every last drop of energy out of your corpse!
  • Do let me know if you... find more sources of... mana.
  • I look forward to our... continued cooperation.
  • You and I make a great team. Wouldn't you agree?

Notes and trivia


Fan art

Patch changes

See also

External links