Demoniac Vessel (Horde)

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HordeDemoniac Vessel
Start Elijah Dawnflight [47.1, 69.1]
End Rohan Sunveil [49.7, 71.4]
Level 15-30
Category Blasted Lands
Experience 13,500
Reputation +350 Silvermoon City
Rewards 1g 75s
Previous H [15-30] How Best to Proceed
Next H [15-30] The Downfall of Marl Wormthorn
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-30] Demoniac Vessel.


Kill the Tainted Black Bears, Tainted Nightstalkers, and Tainted Screechers in the Tainted Forest, and try to assemble their parts into a Demoniac Vessel.


We need a way to get Wormthorn's attention. Something to break him out of his trance. Something that's guaranteed to work.

The few types of wildlife that managed to make a foothold in the Tainted Forest are, without a doubt, affected by the land's latent energies. Your task is to collect their body parts and find a way to combine them into a vessel. If Wormthorn's trance is druidic, or even if it is demonic, a large enough vessel of tainted animal flesh should be able to break it.


You will receive: 1g 75s


Dawnflight's plan is a good one. Do you have the vessel, <name>?


Brilliantly done, <name>. We have what we need to break the worgen's trance.


  1. H [15-30] Protecting Our Rear
  2. H [15-30] Watching Our Back
  3. H [15-30] The Sunveil Excursion
  4. H [15-30] The Demons and the Druid
  5. H [15-30] How Best to Proceed
  6. H [15-30] Demoniac Vessel
  7. H [15-30] The Downfall of Marl Wormthorn

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