Remembered Firelord

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MobRemembered Firelord
Image of Remembered Firelord
Race Fire elemental (Elemental)
Level ?? Boss
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Cauldron, Searing Gorge[55.86, 44.54]
Status Killable
Radiant Echoes
The subject of this article or section was part of Radiant Echoes, a world event that heralded the opening of The War Within.

Remembered Firelord is the Radiant Echoes boss located in the Cauldron in the Searing Gorge. It is a memory of Ragnaros.


  • Ability mage moltenarmor.png Firelord's Shield — The Remembered Firelord shields himself in flame as he prepares for battle.
  • Spell fire volcano.png Lava Burst — The Remembered Firelord launches a volley of molten bolts, inflicting X Fire damage and knocking back players within 8 yards of each impact. Pools of Nascent Magma are left behind.
  • Spell fire lavaspawn.png Sons of Flame — The Remembered Firelord unleashes a burning roar, inflicting X Fire damage to all players and causing nearby magma to birth into Sons of Flame.
  • Spell fire ragnaros splittingblow.png Sulfuras Smash — The Remembered Firelord smashes the ground with his blazing mace, inflicting X Fire damage and knocking back players within 10 yards of the impact. A line of volcanic eruptions emerge outward from the smash, each inflicting 45 fire damage within 5 yards.
  • Ability racial foregedinflames.png World in Flames — The Remembered Firelord channels rings of fire that erupt around him, each inflicting X Fire damage to any player caught within the effect.


Chance for:

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You will be crushed!
Sulfuras Smash
  • Your judgment has come!
  • Sulfuras will be your end.
Lava Burst
By fire be purged!
World in Flames
Sons of Flame
  • Arise, servants of fire, consume their flesh!
  • Come forth, my servants! Defend your master!
  • Denizens of flame, come to me!
  • Minions of fire! Purge the outsiders!


  • The loot is not on a daily lockout, they can be earned many times in a day.

Patch changes

Though it was not listed as a Hotfix until 8/07, this change was actually implemented a day earlier on 8/06.

External links