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Champion of the Waterlords

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Template:WorldEvent/Radiant Echoes

NeutralChampion of the Waterlords
Level 15-70
Type Weekly
Category Searing Gorge
Experience 2,600
Rewards 56g 18s


Defeat Remembered Ragnaros during a Radiant Echoes event.

  • Remembered Ragnaros slain


I regret to inform you that a horrific threat awaits your kind within this mortal realm. An Elemental Lord of Fire, Ragnaros, bides his time waiting to strike and burn your Azeroth to its core. We, the elements of water, have waged war eternal with those beings of the lesser elementals. Trust that our warning is no small thing.

Prove your conviction! Slay Ragnaros, once and for all!


You will receive:

  • 56g 18s
  • 2,600 XP









Patch changes

External links