Prospector Rokar

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AllianceProspector Rokar
Image of Prospector Rokar
Title <Explorers' League>
Gender Male
Race Dwarf (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Explorers' League
Occupation Prospector
Location Grizzly Hills[65.1, 47.3]
Status Alive

Prospector Rokar is a dwarf quest giver located in the Grizzly Hills.

He was found injured, fleeing Dun Argol, by a hunting party from Camp Oneqwah and was brought back to see if he would be useful.[1] After helping the dwarf survive his injuries, Rokar was proposed an ultimatum; aid the taunka against the iron dwarves or else. He ultimately crafted a golem that was able to remove the shield of the iron thane of the dwarfhold.[2]

Despite holding up his end of the bargain, Tormak the Scarred, the chieftain of the town, intended to strike Rokar down despite his initial promise before his hand was stayed by Scout Vor'takh, intending to use the prospector to aid in finding and capturing Brann Bronzebeard.[2]



Main article: The Unexpected 'Guest'#Notes
Main article: Bringing Down the Iron Thane#Notes


  • He was likely a part of the same Explorers' League expedition as prospectors Varana, Gann, and Torgan send by Raegar Breakbrow.
  • Despite the poor treatment Rokar received, the Bronzebeard brothers speak highly of Rokar's captor, Tormak.[3] This is strange, given that the prospector was almost double-crossed, and then was later held hostage with the intention of using him to capture Brann himself.[2]
    • This may suggest Rokar was ultimately released, despite the Horde's intentions, which would keep Tormak's reputation as positive.

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