Planning the Escape

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AlliancePlanning the Escape
Start Private Imarion
End Private Imarion
Level 61 (Requires 58)
Category Hellfire Peninsula
Experience 9,580
Reputation +250 Honor Hold
Rewards 2g
Previous A [61] Saving Private Imarion
Next A [61] Provoking the Warboss
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [61] Planning the Escape.


Kill a Shattered Hand Grenadier and bring his Crude Explosives to Private Imarion at Gor'gaz Outpost.


Like I said, getting out of here won't be easy. Warboss Nekrogg may look like an overgrown brute, but he's no simpleton.

He won't let the cage key out of his sight and doesn't come down from his tower atop that chunk of wall until he's ready to question me or that orc he's managed to capture.

It's going to take something extraordinary to get him off that wall, but I have an idea. Find one of the grenadiers that patrol the ground along the Southern Rampart and bring me some of his explosives.


You will receive:


  1. A [61] The Citadel's Reach
  2. A [61] The Western Flank
  3. A [61] Warboss Nekrogg's Orders
  4. A [61] Saving Private Imarion
  5. A [61] Planning the Escape
  6. A [61] Provoking the Warboss
  7. A [61] Dealing with Zeth'Gor
  8. A [61] Impending Doom
  9. A [61G2] Under Whose Orders?
  10. A [62G3] Dispatching the Commander

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