The Western Flank (Horde)

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HordeThe Western Flank
Start Warboss Nekrogg's Orders (object)
End Stone Guard Ambelan
Level 61 (Requires 58)
Category Hellfire Peninsula
Experience 9,580
Reputation +250 Thrallmar
Rewards 2g
Previous H [61] The Citadel's Reach
Next H [61] Warboss Nekrogg's Orders
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [61] The Western Flank.


Kill 10 Shattered Hand Guards, 10 Shattered Hand Berserkers, and 5 Shattered Hand Acolytes, then report to Stone Guard Ambelan at Spinebreaker Post near Zeth'Gor.


In addition to other instructions, the orders tell the remaining fel orcs to prepare their equipment and rations for a coming attack.

According to the plans, Warboss Nekrogg's forces are to form the western flank of a pincer attack on Thrallmar.

With the town's garrison concentrating on its eastern walls, an attack from the west would be devastating. Thrallmar can only hope to hold out if the western forces are kept out of the battle.


You will receive:


  1. H [61] The Citadel's Reach
  2. H [61] The Western Flank
  3. H [61] Warboss Nekrogg's Orders
  4. H [61] Saving Scout Makha
  5. H [61] Planning the Escape
  6. H [61] Provoking the Warboss
  7. H [61] Dealing With Zeth'Gor
  8. H [61] Impending Doom
  9. H [61G2] Under Whose Orders?
  10. H [62G] Dispatching the Commander

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