Dealing with Zeth'Gor (Alliance)

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AllianceDealing with Zeth'Gor
Start Lieutenant Amadi
End Bleeding Hollow Attack Plans
Level 61 (Requires 58)
Category Hellfire Peninsula
Experience 9,580
Reputation +250 Honor Hold
Rewards 2g
Previous A [61] Provoking the Warboss
Next A [61] Impending Doom
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [61] Dealing With Zeth'Gor.


Defeat Grillok "Darkeye" and search his lair for the Bleeding Hollow Attack Plans.


It is imperative that we follow up on the momentum created by your defeat of Warboss Nekrogg, <name>. If we're lucky, the leadership at Zeth'Gor won't have heard about Nekrogg.

The Bonechewers at Zeth'Gor to the southeast are usually led into battle by Grillok "Darkeye". Seek him out in his lair, a cave cut beneath the fel orc settlement, and kill him. Once he is dead, search the cave for the fel orc battle plans. We must not be taken by surprise.


You will receive:


  1. A [61] The Citadel's Reach
  2. A [61] The Western Flank
  3. A [61] Warboss Nekrogg's Orders
  4. A [61] Saving Private Imarion
  5. A [61] Planning the Escape
  6. A [61] Provoking the Warboss
  7. A [61] Dealing with Zeth'Gor
  8. A [61] Impending Doom
  9. A [61G2] Under Whose Orders?
  10. A [62G3] Dispatching the Commander

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