Saving Scout Makha

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HordeSaving Scout Makha
Start Makha's Shield
End Scout Makha
Level 61 (Requires 58)
Category Hellfire Peninsula
Experience 9,580
Reputation +250 Thrallmar
Previous H [61] Warboss Nekrogg's Orders
Next H [61] Planning the Escape
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [61] Saving Private Imarion.


Continue south across the Path of Glory to the Southern Rampart and search for where Warboss Nekrogg is holding Scout Makha.


The tracks lead south from Makha's equipment, appearing to cross the Path of Glory. The roughness of the shallow ruts suggests that Makha's captors were in a hurry to move her to the next destination, but why?

Was someone waiting there for her, perhaps Warboss Nekrogg, the leader named in the orders you found further north?

The shield and the tracks raise more questions than they solve, but it seems certain that where you find Scout Makha, you're likely to find Warboss Nekrogg too.



  1. H [61] The Citadel's Reach
  2. H [61] The Western Flank
  3. H [61] Warboss Nekrogg's Orders
  4. H [61] Saving Scout Makha
  5. H [61] Planning the Escape
  6. H [61] Provoking the Warboss
  7. H [61] Dealing With Zeth'Gor
  8. H [61] Impending Doom
  9. H [61G2] Under Whose Orders?
  10. H [62G] Dispatching the Commander

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