Warboss Nekrogg's Orders (Horde)

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HordeWarboss Nekrogg's Orders
Start Warboss Nekrogg's Orders
End Makha's Shield
Level 61 (Requires 58)
Category Hellfire Peninsula
Experience 9,580
Reputation +250 Thrallmar
Previous H [61] The Citadel's Reach
Next H [61] Saving Scout Makha
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [61] Warboss Nekrogg's Orders.


Travel south along the west side of the Northern Rampart and search the next camp for signs of Scout Makha


The orders, signed by 'Warboss Nekrogg,' order the fel orc patrols stationed at this camp to bring their orcish prisoner south for interrogation.

Shadow Hunter Ty'jin mentioned that the Northern Rampart is dotted with fel orc camps. Perhaps the next large section of the wall to the south is where they took Scout Makha.

Judging by the note's mention of interrogation, it seems the scout's fel orc captors see some value in keeping her alive. Pick up the trail before they decide to change their minds.



  1. H [61] The Citadel's Reach
  2. H [61] The Western Flank
  3. H [61] Warboss Nekrogg's Orders
  4. H [61] Saving Scout Makha
  5. H [61] Planning the Escape
  6. H [61] Provoking the Warboss
  7. H [61] Dealing With Zeth'Gor
  8. H [61] Impending Doom
  9. H [61G2] Under Whose Orders?
  10. H [62G] Dispatching the Commander

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