Peacekeeper Lieutenant

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NeutralPeacekeeper Lieutenant
Image of Peacekeeper Lieutenant
Gender Male
Race Earthen (Humanoid)
Level 70-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Earthen, Peacekeepers
Occupation Lieutenant
Location Stoneshaper's Atrium, Dornogal
Status Alive

The Peacekeeper Lieutenant is an earthen located in the Stoneshaper's Atrium in Dornogal.



The Peacekeepers protect Dornogal from all threats, foreign and domestic. We also provide assistance and render aid to our fellow citizens and foreign travelers.

We are not charged with the defense of the isle as a whole. That responsibility falls to the Stormriders. Peacekeepers must stay and serve within the limits of Dornogal.

Over the years, some peacekeepers, like Aggartha and Leif, have the ridiculous notion that we must venture forth beyond the city to fulfill our purpose. A noble, but misguided sentiment.

We know our duty and we will fulfill it exactly as we have been ordered.

Patch changes

External links