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This article is about Algarian earthen organization. For the occupation, see peacekeeper.
Main leader IconSmall Earthen Male.gif Merrix
Race(s) EarthenEarthen Earthen
Base of operations Dornogal
Affiliation Oathsworn
Status Active

The Peacekeepers protect Dornogal from all threats, foreign and domestic. They also provide assistance and render aid to their fellow citizens and foreign travelers. They are not charged with the defense of the Isle of Dorn as a whole. That responsibility falls to the Stormriders. Peacekeepers must stay and serve within the limits of Dornogal. Over the years, some peacekeepers, like Aggartha and Leif, have ventured forth beyond the city to fulfill their purpose.[1]

The Peacekeepers were assigned as the protective ground units to safeguard the fortress city of Dornogal and support the Stormriders. Martial training was required as necessary, although combat and warfare was uncommon within the immediate city limits. Those designated as Peacekeepers could be assigned to various sectors within Dornogal. On rare occasions, Peacekeepers would accompany the Stormriders into the Coreway to deal with unexpected threats. In addition to operating within Dornogal and around the Coreway, some Peacekeepers may be deployed to the Dhar Watchtowers bordering the outer limits of sector AR-938.[2]


