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On the Road

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NeutralOn the Road
Start Haimaz
End Haimaz
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 13,600
Reputation +500 The Assembly of the Deeps
Rewards 46g 80s
Previous N [73-75] One Last Story


Find Brennok

  • Brennok rescued


This is the only road to the elevator, he should have been here by now.

Unless... he didn't take the road! He wouldn't want to be seen.

He has no idea how dangerous the deeps can be. We have to find him!


You will receive:


If he'd only told me sooner... stone-headed oaf. But if he's set on leaving, he'll need a guide. Not sure he knows how to put one foot in front of the other on his own.

His chronicle is already on a rook headed to Gundargaz. They'll take care of his stories. At least until he's had his fill of his own.

My oath is, and always was, to care for him. I can't do that if I keep him down here.

Thank you for helping him.


On accept, Haimaz joins the party and will follow the player:

Haimaz says: Hurry! He's hardly ever left a paved road. He doesn't understand the dangers.

Head down to the north to find Brennok pinned in by Grimlurk:

Haimaz says: There he is!

Brennok yells: What is that?

Defeat it:

Haimaz says: Come on! Get out of here before more of them turn up.

On return:

Brennok says: Haimaz, how did you find me? I won't go back. You can't stop me.
Haimaz says: You shale-headed, schist-seam! I'm not here to stop you. I'm coming with you.
Brennok says: You... what? Oh, I've been so foolish.

Brennok has new gossip:

I have been such a fool. So worried over my oath that I forgot Haimaz has hers as well.

I've been at her side longer than either of us can recall. Of course she would understand.

As does Haimaz:

On his own for five minutes and see what happens. At least traveling with him won't be boring.

On complete:

Brennok says: Thank you, <name>.
Haimaz says: so, where to first?
Brennok says: First, I just want to feel the sun. After that, who knows?
They walk northeast, in the direction of Pillarstone Spire.


  1. N [73-75] Listener Lost
  2. N [73-75] Defragmenting Memory
  3. N [73-75] Readying the Recitation & N [73-75] The Common Costume
  4. N [73-75] A Sip of Cinder
  5. N [73-75] One Last Story
  6. N [73-75] On the Road

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