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Readying the Recitation

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NeutralReadying the Recitation
Start Haimaz
End Haimaz
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 5,450
Rewards 11g 70s
Previous N [73-75] Let's Not Worry Her
Next N [73-75] A Sip of Cinder


Prepare the recitation site


Once a year, Brennok and I take the long road through The Ringing Deeps.

We stop at each outpost from, all the way from the Earthenworks to Opportunity Point. Brennok tells the residents a story from their past. One they entrusted to him to remember, even when they forget.

It's my duty to ready the ceremony site. Would you come with me? I could use the help.


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s
  • 5,450 XP


I hope the recitation lifts Brennok's spirits.


Thank you. I hope you'll join us for the recitation when the time comes.


On accept:

Haimaz says: We're going to the recitation site, Brennok, Try not to wander Off.
Brennok says: Of course. Where would I even go?
Haimaz wanders off.

Pick up N [73-75] The Common Costume from Brennok before chasing after her.

Just north, find Haimaz near the minecart rail:

Haimaz says: Seems they have more pressing concerns here than cleaning. Could you tidy while I hang the omaments?

Interact with doodads:

Haimaz says: Brennok's role isn't easy, He must keep his life simple. TO keep the stories from being overwritten by his own experiences.
Haimaz says: I swore to watch over him. Guide him. Care for the parts of his life his oath keeps him from partaking in.
Haimaz says: He's never even left The Ringing Deeps. I worry for him. How long can a person live without their own experiences?

On complete of both:

Haimaz says: <Name>, do you have a moment?


  1. N [73-75] Listener Lost
  2. N [73-75] Defragmenting Memory
  3. N [73-75] Readying the Recitation & N [73-75] The Common Costume
  4. N [73-75] A Sip of Cinder
  5. N [73-75] One Last Story
  6. N [73-75] On the Road

Patch changes

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