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One Last Story

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NeutralOne Last Story
Start Brennok
End Haimaz
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 5,450
Rewards 11g 70s
Previous N [73-75] A Sip of Cinder
Next N [73-75] On the Road
Brennok telling a story


Attend the recitation

  • Attend the Recitation
  • Meet Brennok by the bridge


Well, it's time. I'll be holding the recitation at the mine entrance. You're welcome to attend, though don't feel obligated to stay.

I'll leave my book for Haimaz to find. She'll take care of it.

I would like to say goodbye properly. Meet me by the bridge outside of town. I'll head there after the recitation.


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s
  • 5,450 XP


I knew Brennok was acting odd. Then one of the miners mentioned you'd borrowed a spare set of clothes. That and his strange mood, well, it wasn't hard to guess that he planned to leave.

I expected him to come this way, though. Have you seen him?


On accept:

Haimaz says: Go on, you two. I have a few things to take care of. I'll catch up.
Brennok leaves Brennok's Chronicle on one of the wheels of the cart that Haimaz is leaning on before walking off.

The chronicle reads:

<Hundreds of pages are filled with Brennok's precise handwriting. Between the cover and first page is a folded note:>


There has long been a fault in me. A seam of doubt and longing. Every day, it threatens to crack me apart. How long am I to live only for others? What good are stories from one who has lived none? And how long will you be forced to dote on me? I'm going. I'm not sure where. I don't think I'll be back. I'm sorry.


Head up to the recitation site and speak with Brennok:

Well, this is it. The last story I'll tell for some time.

I don't see Haimaz. She doesn't always attend. Titans know she's heard my stories plenty.

Still, I'd hoped... but she wouldn't know this would be my last recitation.

  • Gossip (Quest) <Stay a while and listen.>
  • Gossip (Skip recitation) I'll meet you by the lift.

Should players choose to listen, they will be provided the option to quietly leave at several points.

Brennok says: I come to you with a story from this very mine. A story of two miners: Durgur and Kharrag.
Brennok says: Side-by-side, they served their oaths for centuries. But in time, Kharrag felt the call of the Unbound.
Brennok says: Her pick grew heavy, and her thoughts grew heavier still. She ceased work, and barely spoke.
Brennok says: Durgur saw her friend's pain, and was desparate to help. But all she knew was mining.
Brennok says: So she swore upon her oath. She would not return to the surface until she found something so incredible it would shake off Kharrag's doubts.
Brennok says: For many years she searched. True to her promise, she never left the mine.
Brennok says: One day, in the fathomless depths, she found her prize. A peerless gem. So beautiful it could cut through all of Kharrag's doubts.
Brennok says: Joyful, she ran back to Kharrag. Do you know what Kharrag said when Durgur returned with the gem?
Brennok says: Nothing.
Brennok says: Kharrag had long since passed into stillness,
Brennok says: They say all the strength went out of Durgur, Her body so worn, it had only been her oath keeping her upright.
Brennok says: When they tried to comfort her, she shattered. She was a mere shell Of stone.
Brennok says: Remember, an oath is a heavy thing. If we are not careful, we will buckle under that weight.
Brennok whispers: I'll find somewhere quiet to change. Meet me at the bridge outside of town.

Outside of town at the marked spot, catch up not with Brennok, but Haimaz:

Haimaz says: There you two are-
Haimaz says: <Name>, why are you alone? Where's Brennok?

She has new gossip:

Of course I know Brennok wants to leave. He's not half as subtle as he thinks.


  1. N [73-75] Listener Lost
  2. N [73-75] Defragmenting Memory
  3. N [73-75] Readying the Recitation & N [73-75] The Common Costume
  4. N [73-75] A Sip of Cinder
  5. N [73-75] One Last Story
  6. N [73-75] On the Road

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