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The Common Costume

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NeutralThe Common Costume
Start Brennok
End Brennok
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 5,450
Rewards 11g 70s
Shareable Yes
Previous N [73-75] Let's Not Worry Her
Next N [73-75] A Sip of Cinder


Find a spare set of Miner's Clothes


I'll slip away after the recitation. It's easy to vanish in a crowd of earthen enjoying a keg of cinderbrew.

I can't be recognized when I leave town. I don't want anyone to stop me. Or worse, to think I'm abandoning my oath. Better to just disappear.

If you find me a spare set of Miner's Clothes, I'll be able to get away without being noticed.


You will receive:

  • 11g 70s
  • 5,450 XP


Did you find them yet?


Thank you. No one should recognize me in these.


Resting Miners are upstairs in the inn that Brennok is behind. Speak with one:

Can I help you?

Gossip (Quest) <Ask if the miner knows where a spare set of clothes is.>

I do, but why do you need them?

  • Gossip (Quest) It's part of the recitation ceremony.
  • Gossip (Quest) I like to collect souvenirs.
  • Gossip (Quest) No time to explain! It's a very urgent, very embarrassing[sic] situation.

Well... I suppose it's alright as long as you only take one set. You can find plenty of spares on the top floor of the inn.

On the way up to the top floor:

Resting Miner says: Have you been to the Compiler? I told him about the flayer that chipped its teeth on me.
Resting Miner says: I hope the Compiler has tales from the surface,
Resting Miner says: Are you going to the recitation?
Resting Miner says: Who knows, maybe he'll tell one Of my stories.

Pick up a crate of Spare Miner's Clothes for some  [Miner's Clothes].

On complete of both:

Haimaz says: <Name>, do you have a moment?


  1. N [73-75] Listener Lost
  2. N [73-75] Defragmenting Memory
  3. N [73-75] Readying the Recitation & N [73-75] The Common Costume
  4. N [73-75] A Sip of Cinder
  5. N [73-75] One Last Story
  6. N [73-75] On the Road

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