Stygian Stonecrusher

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MobStygian Stonecrusher
Image of Stygian Stonecrusher
Race Death elemental (Elemental)
Level 61 Rare
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Vault of Secrets, Korthia [45.7, 80.0]
Status Killable

Stygian Stonecrusher is a rare death elemental located at the Vault of Secrets in Korthia. The stonecrusher is the boss of the "No Stoneborn Left Behind" vignette, required for  [Conquering Korthia].

Killing Stygian Stonecrusher awards 80 points of standing with Ve'nari, roughly 50 [Stygia], and 300 points of threat (30% of a level) of Eye of the Jailer.



  • Ability smash.png Colossal Smash — Smashes an enemy, inflicting Physical damage and reducing movement speed by 30% for 12 sec.
  • Spell shadow lifedrain.png Crystalline Flesh — Crystalline Flesh can cause attackers to bleed.
  • Ability siege engineer purification beam.png Explosive Bombardment — Hurls several boulders at random enemies, inflicting 30 Fire damage to players within 3 yards of their impact.


Nandor, Drippy, and Kashaa waiting for a Venthyr player

Find Drippy, alongside Nandor and Kashaa, hidden behind a pillar near the Broken Gatecrasher.

Non-Venthyr Covenant players cannot start the event, as Drippy says:

Scram, Maw Walker.
Us 'ere on an important mission from the Stonewright 'erself.
Venthyr only, yeah?

Venthyr players instead see:

Plucked as much to see you, Maw Walker!
Me and da crew here was sent out 'ere to reclaim 'at dere big stoneborn.
Trouble is, 'ere is too many 'em mawsworn running 'bout to do it without 'em noticin'.
You got time to help us out?
Gossip I will protect you while you repair the stoneborn.
Drippy yells: For Sinfall! (zone-wide)
The Broken Gatecrasher and Venthyr party

Defend the venthyr crew while they repair the Broken Gatecrasher from waves of attacks.

Kashaa says: This stonebrother needs more than a simple dredger's tools.
Nandor says: Worry not, Kahsaa. I have brought enough anima to restore its power.
Mawsworn Stonetwister says: Torghast... shall be... your tomb...
Drippy says: Told ya those Mawsworn ain't gonna be happy about this...
Focus your attentions, Drippy. I will channel anima into the carvings you make.
Kashaa says: Easy, stonebrother... We are still working...
Drippy says: I think he tried to bite me!
Kashaa says: He did NOT try to bite you. But it wouldn't hurt to be more careful with that chisel...

At 100%:

Drippy yells: Ahhh! Maw Walker, stop that giant crystal monster thing!

Fend off the Stygian Stonecrusher:

Nandor says: Rise, gatecrasher! Answer the call to service once more!
Kashaa says: Thank you, stonebrother. Take us where we are needed.
Drippy yells: Wheeeeeee!
The party flies away.

Tracking quest

To check whether the Stygian Stonecrusher was looted today, copy and paste this command into the chat window:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(64313))

If a "true" appears in the chat window, the Stygian Stonecrusher was looted today; "false" indicates the opposite.

Patch changes

External links