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Image of Nandor
Race Venthyr (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Venthyr Covenant
Location Revendreth; Ardenweald; Bastion; Maldraxxus

Nandor is a venthyr trainee who appears during N [60] Training Our Forces, N [60] Training in Ardenweald, N [60] Training in Bastion, and N [60] Training in Maldraxxus. He'll follow you and assist in combat while in the correct zone for the current training quest. Periodically he'll grant the player the Absolution (venthyr) ability, or set a ground effect called Master's Anima Field.


  • Spell animarevendreth buff.png Absolution — Nandor absolves nearby enemies of their sins, dealing Shadow damage. Their sins weigh them down, reducing movement speed for 10 sec.
  • Ability rogue ambush.png Cull the Weak — Attempts to cull an enemy with less than 50% health, inflicting heavy Physical damage.
  • Spell animarevendreth groundstate.png Master's Anima Field — Creates a field of anima at a location that heals allies and increases Mastery.
  • Ability rogue shadowstrike.png Pierce — Pierces the enemy with a sharpened blade, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Ability butcher heavyhanded.png Trainee Ready — Your trainee is ready to use a powerful ability at your command.



Initial (Revendreth):

Hello my friend, I am prepared to train at your side today. Let us cleanse these fields of our enemies.

Initial (Bastion):

I am prepared to learn much from our training together today, I even wore my good boots.

Initial (Ardenweald):

I am here to learn from you today, so that I may better serve our forces at Sinfall.

Initial (Maldraxxus):

I have been assigned to train with you today, so that I may learn much of the dark arts of murder, or whatever it is that you do.


Shall I accompany you today, then?
Charmed, I'm sure.
It is a pleasure to join you.
Entering combat
To glorious battle, then!
You shall find puncture wounds where you didn't have them before!
I am relentless, I never relent!
Enemy slain
To your eternal rest.
They could not stand against such force!
Under 5% health


Summons a Master's Anima Field
I have summoned an anima field that you may appreciate.
Casts Absolution
Feel the fate of the sinners!


Patch changes

External links

Nandor Generic name