Nightbane pack

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Not to be confused with Nightbane.
MobNightbane pack
Roland's Doom.jpg
Roland's Doom
Main leader  Marus
  Formerly  Gutspill †
Race(s) WorgenWorgen Worgen
Base of operations Roland's Doom
Theater of operations Duskwood, Deadwind Pass
Affiliation Independent
  Formerly Wolf Cult
Status Active

The Nightbane pack[1][2] (or simply the Nightbane)[3][4] are a pack of worgen in Duskwood. The Nightbane consists of both former humans[5] and cursed night elves.[4] Their most prominent presence is in Brightwood Grove, west of Darkshire, but they are said to have come from Roland's Doom, a cave to the south. There, Jitters found a mysterious scythe jutting from the cave wall. When he pulled it free, the worgen spontaneously began to appear, and have since grown in number.

Once led by Gervase, the Nightbane pack also served Alpha Prime,[6] with Revil Kost referring to them as the Wolf Cult.[3] After the death of Gervase at the hand of the adventurers, Marus succeeded him as the new leader of the Nightbane pack.


WoW Icon update.png This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

The night elf Velinde Starsong traveled from Kalimdor to find the Archmage Arugal, having heard he too had summoned worgen into Azeroth and hoping he could help her with her troubles concerning the Scythe of Elune. During her journey, she passed through Duskwood and was killed in Roland's Doom by Varkas. The scythe laid within the abandoned mine for some time until a man known as Jitters unearthed it from its resting place inside of the cave. In doing so he unwittingly summoned a large amount of worgen from the Emerald Dream.

The worgen summoned in the cave cut down Jitters' companions (he himself was able to flee and escape) and began to terrorize the woods. Eventually coming to be known as the Nightbane Pack, these worgen slowly but surely began to take over the woods, which had been corrupted steadily by fel energy unleashed in Karazhan in the years following the death of Medivh.[7] Various farmholds and areas such as the Brightwood Grove were taken over, their occupants either turned or killed, the lucky ones barely escaping with their lives.

With the appearance of the Nightbane worgen, the woods of Duskwood were not only corrupted but made extremely dangerous to traverse. Along with the worgen, several other shadowy forces began to root themselves within the forest, such as necromancers and warlocks who ended up causing the graveyards of Duskwood to be filled with undead. This left the humans of the area restricted to one safe location in the woods, the town of Darkshire, where the militia known as the Night Watch kept a vigil to repel the worgen and other shadowy forces.


Cataclysm This section concerns content related to Cataclysm.

Following the Cataclysm, and the return of Gilneas into the Alliance fold, the Nightbane came under the eyes of the Gilnean worgen. The afflicted Gilneans occupied the once-abandoned town of Raven Hill, seeking to find worgen among the Nightbane who were not too far gone to the mindless state and could be saved as they were.

Sven Yorgen became afflicted by the worgen curse and was brought into the Nightbane pack. He was later saved thanks to the efforts of the Gilneans and adventurers, becoming one of the first worgen from Duskwood to be successfully brought back from a feral state, second to Mardigan. This gave Oliver Harris, the lead apothecary attempting to cure the Nightbane, renewed hope.[8]


Legion This section concerns content related to Legion.

During the third invasion of the Burning Legion, when Valorn and Belysra returned the Scythe of Elune to Duskwood with the intention of giving it to a druid adventurer, it was stolen by Ariden, leader of the Dark Riders. The Nightbane pack, drawn to the Scythe and seeking the power of Goldrinn, followed Ariden to his base in Karazhan. They attacked the adventurer who was also seeking the Scythe of Elune and were promptly defeated.

According to Revil Kost, they were driven mad by the Scythe.[3]

Battle for Azeroth

Battle for Azeroth This section concerns content related to Battle for Azeroth.

At the time of the Fourth War, the residents of Raven Hill captured a few members of the Nightbane pack for alchemical testing, and were then plagued by a particularly ferocious member named Bloodeyes. Vassandra Stormclaw asked a Gilnean champion to subdue her in order to test cures on the captives as well.[2]


Nightbane territory also includes the Rotting Orchard. Each area is lit by torches, campfires, or bonfires, and contains camps, tents, huts, or stolen goods. In Brightwood Grove, Nightbane worgen fight over ravaged dire wolves, while Nightbane Dark Runners patrol the area, and Fenros walks from camp to camp. At Roland's Doom, packs of Nightbane Vile Fang and Nightbane Tainted Ones fight outside, while the latter and the den mother Nefaru can be found inside. In the Rotting Orchard, Nightbane Shadow Weavers practice magic and occupy the buildings and camps, while Nightbane Stalkers keep watch from the shadows, and the pack leader Marus patrols between its camps and his den. Nightbane worgen have also been seen as far as Raven Hill when captured,[5] as well as Manor Mistmantle and Deadwind Pass when seeking the Scythe of Elune.[3][4]




Notes and trivia

  • A Nightbane Worgen can be found kneeling by a lone tombstone in the middle eastern side of Brightwood Grove. The tombstone was there in vanilla, while the worgen was added in Cataclysm.
  • While the last two worgen leaders in Duskwood - Gutspill and Gervase - were in Roland's Doom, the current leader Marus can be found in a smaller, private, and well-protected cave.
  • In the Legion alpha, Feral Nightbane spoke during the quest N Druid [10-45] The Deadwind Hunt, saying
    • Feral Nightbane yells: Goldrinn's power will be ours, <race>!
    • Feral Nightbane yells: The Scythe of Elune belongs to the worgen!

See also
