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Image of Dionaessa
Gender Female
Race Dryad (Humanoid)
Level 70
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dream Wardens
Location Root-Bound Sanctuary, Emerald Dream
Status Alive

Dionaessa is a dryad located in the Root-Bound Sanctuary in the Emerald Dream.

She also attended the gathering in Amirdrassil when it bloomed on the Dragon Isles after Fyrakk's death.


  • Spell nature faeriefire.png Faerie Fire — Reduces an enemy's armor for 14 sec. While affected, the target cannot use stealth or invisibility.




<Dionaessa mimics your posture and raises her head high.>

I will learn everything I can from you, Guardian. The druid Creekward talks too much. Maybe you will show me how to act!

Gossip How did you decide on a name so quickly?

<Dionaessa huffs impatiently.>
The druid Creekward told me all sorts of things while I was an acorn. He would not stop talking about this one dreadful poet!
I do not know what he was trying to teach me with that story. But I learned to like the name of their greatest rival.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Gossip How did you get here, again?

The druid Creekward tells me he lost my acorn in the garden, then you dropped it into a puddle.
All dryads come from Dream acorns, but not all Dream acorns house dryads.
<Dionaessa grins.>
I am glad my acorn was in your hands, Guardian!
Gossip I want to ask about something else.
Gossip in the Twisting Wood

What do we do next? How many quests do you complete in a day? How many quests involve stabbing things?

<Dionaessa adjusts her grip on her spear.>

I might have a favorite kind of quest.

Gossip after N [70] A Poisonous Promotion

The druid Creekward mostly tends to the dryad seeds, it seems. And there is not much he does aside from talking to them all day in that wearisome voice.

Melyrine is the lead gardener here. I take all my orders from her.

<Dionaessa smiles brightly.>

But your orders will always come first, Guardian!


Patch changes

External links

Dionaessa Newborn Dryad Generic name