Ethidris Creekward

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NeutralEthidris Creekward
Image of Ethidris Creekward
Gender Male
Race Night elf (Humanoid)
Level 70
Class Druid
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Dream Wardens
Location Root-Bound Sanctuary, Emerald Dream[53.7, 74.6]
Status Alive

Ethidris Creekward is a night elf located in the Root-Bound Sanctuary in the Emerald Dream. He is a druid who tends the garden[1] and was charged with imparting knowledge on every dryad seed,[2] which includes poetry readings to the seeds,[3] and then guiding a newborn dryad until they were ready to take on a position of their own.[4] Among the many topics that he teaches are lashers[2] and pineshrew migration.[5]

Cenarius sensed that Ethidris would need help, and the demigod sent an adventurer to aid him, rightfully so as one dryad acorn was missing,[1] and the sanctuary was in disarray. He needed help with calming the wildlife and shaking Pineshrew Seedsnatchers who were taking seeds. Surprisingly, shaking Big Snaggleclaw caused his seed to grow into Dionaessa, who was supposed to be in the care of Ethidris but instead chose the adventurer to train her.[6][5] As such, Ethidris asked the adventurer questions to determine if they would manage.[4] After the assessment, Ethidris gave them their first task--to collect the hearts of Sickly Lashers in the Twisting Wood.[2]




Aside from helping the garden acclimate to the roots of the World Tree, the dryads here have had few tasks for me thus far.

<Ethidriss sighs and looks across the garden.>

Until today.

Gossip What are Dream acorns?

All acorns in the Dream are imbued with great magic. Most are nebulous and can be used in rituals, spells, and much more.
Some are descended from great Ancients and retain the memories of all their ancestors. They become Ancients themselves upon being planted.
And some are dryads, like the ones we care for here.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.

Gossip Do all dryads grow from seeds?

Yes, but not just any seed. They are dryad acorns unique to the Dream. This garden is one of several where they are raised.
It only takes a splash of water for them to sprout, as you have seen.
<Ethidris grimaces at Dionaessa.>
And then they immediately imprint on the first person they see.
Gossip I want to ask about something else.
Gossip after N [70] A Poisonous Promotion

<Name>, I am... glad you were here to help guide Dionaessa. She has taken to the work well.

She has a lot of zeal for combat. I'd blame you entirely, but it seems she grew that way.

Maybe I was too animated in my poetry readings. Yes, that seems likely. But who wouldn't want to give their best performance, even to an audience of sentient acorns?

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