Momma Nilla

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NeutralMomma Nilla
Image of Momma Nilla
Title <Innkeeper>
Gender Female
Race Niffen (Humanoid)
Level 78-80
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Mmarl, Azj-Kahet

Momma Nilla is a niffen innkeeper located in Mmarl in Azj-Kahet, and the one in charge of this settlement.


Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Acid Braised Beetle
4g 50s
Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Borer Blood Pudding
3g 75s
Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Butterflied Deepstrider
4g 50s
Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Eggnog
3g 50s
Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Insects Bowl Mix
4g 50s
Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Mole Mole
3g 75s
Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Mushroom Tea
3g 50s
Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Nerub'ar Nectar
3g 50s
Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Poison Poached Eggs
4g 50s
Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Sugar Slurry
3g 75s
Inv misc questionmark.png 5x Tarragon Soda
3g 50s



Welcome to my inn, weary traveler. What can I do for you?

Gossip Are you related to the niffen from Zaralek?

And what about you, <race>? Are all of you related as well?

We know of them, of course, but I find their proximity to the surface a little foolish.

And heck, after learning what happened to them, I was right to believe so! Niffen are much safer far below the earth, where things such as dragons are seldom seen.

Gossip Do you know Aurantia and Effervesta?

Again with the silly questions. Niffen have ears and noses everywhere. Of course I know of Aurantia and her daughter, Effervesta!

Niffen kith don't usually interact unless it's for trade or other diplomatic reasons. The niffen of Loamm never really required more than a passing interest on my part.

Their trade agreement with the drogbar is quite interesting, however. Most interesting indeed!

Gossip Trade agreement with the drogbar?

The niffen raise cave swallows in order to harvest their nests. They're a delicacy amongst the drogbar.

In return, the drogbar provide the kith with vital ingredients for their incense.

Smells like a sweet deal to me! We're already in a cave, the swallows basically raise themselves! What could go wrong?

Gossip Have you ever met Elder Honeypelt?

She's the only niffen from Loamm that I've met snout to snout. She's a regular warrior, Honeypelt. I'd hate to make an enemy out of her.

She was down here for unrelated business, but she still made sure to pay our kith a visit.

Patch changes

External links