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Image of Modoru
Title <Reagents & Enchanting Supplies>
Gender Male
Race Draenei (Humanoid)
Level 15-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Valiance Expedition
Location Stars' Rest, Dragonblight
Status Alive
Relative(s) Oluba (grandmother)

Modoru is a draenei vendor at Star's Rest in the Dragonblight.


Item Cost
Enchanting items and formulae
5x  [Vanishing Powder] 40s
 [Enchanting Vellum] 10s
 [Immortal Shard] 9g
 [Copper Rod] 1s 24c
(4)  [Strange Dust] 7s 20c
(2)  [Lesser Magic Essence] 7s 20c
 [Simple Wood] 38c
 [Star Wood] 45s
 [Formula: Minor Wizard Oil] 4s
 [Formula: Minor Mana Oil] 24s
 [Formula: Lesser Wizard Oil] 32s
 [Pattern: Enchanted Mageweave Pouch] 60s


Sentinel Sweetspring teases Modoru a lot about his fashion sense. Modoru remains blissfully ignorant about it.

Sentinel Sweetspring peers at Modoru's Draenic robes.
Sentinel Sweetspring says: Say, Modoru. Where did you get those... ah... "wonderful" robes of yours, hmmm?
Modoru beams, unaware that she is teasing him, answering in his thickly-accented Common.
Modoru says: Well! You see, was gift from Grandmother Oluba. She hand-weave from finest silk on Draenor! Am quite proud of, yes.
Sentinel Sweetspring says: Oh. Oh... I see. How nice!
Sentinel Sweetspring bites back a laugh.
Snowpaw snickers, nuzzling into Sentinel Sweetspring's ankles.


Patch changes

External links