Draenic Silk Robes

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Draenic Silk Robes, Stone Background, Draenei Female.

The Draenic Silk Robes are common quality robes that were created by Modoru's grandmother, Oluba.


This item is sold by Alliance Hakmud of Argus <Taveling Trader> for 10s 9c.


Sentinel Sweetspring peers at Modoru's Draenic robes.
Sentinel Sweetspring says: Say, Modoru. Where did you get those... ah... "wonderful" robes of yours, hmmm?
Modoru beams, unaware that she is teasing him, answering in his thickly-accented Common.
Modoru says: Well! You see, was gift from Grandmother Oluba. She hand-weave from finest silk on Draenor! Am quite proud of, yes.
Sentinel Sweetspring says: Oh. Oh... I see. How nice!
Sentinel Sweetspring bites back a laugh.

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