Melinda Hammond

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AllianceMelinda Hammond
Image of Melinda Hammond
Gender Female
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Reaction Friendly
Affiliation(s) Gilneas
Location Gilneas; Gilneas City
Status Alive
Relative(s) Cynthia (daughter), Ashley (daughter), James (son)

Melinda Hammond is a human originally located in Allen Farmstead in Gilneas. During the Forsaken invasion of Gilneas, she becomes separated from her children around the Hammond Farmstead but is not allowed out of the storm cellar at the Allen Farmstead to find them.

After the events of A IconSmall Worgen Male.gifIconSmall Worgen Female.gif [1-30] The Battle for Gilneas City, she and her children are later situated on board the night elven ship in Keel Harbor.



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es:Melinda Hammond