Meandering Gorger

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MobMeandering Gorger
Image of Meandering Gorger
Race Shalehorn (Beast)
Level 70-73
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Isle of Dorn
Status Killable
Pet family Stag

Meandering Gorgers are shalehorns located near Freywold Village on the Isle of Dorn.


  • Inv misc monsterhorn 08.png Goring Charge — The caster charges forward, impaling players in its path. Impacted players are knocked back and bleed Physical damage every 2 sec for 8 sec.
  • Ability druid challangingroar.png Stampeding Bellow — The caster unleashes a battle cry, increasing the move speed and damage done by nearby allies by 20% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.

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