Marshal Haggard

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AllianceMarshal Haggard
Image of Marshal Haggard
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 1-30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Former affiliation(s) Stormwind Guard, Stormwind Army
Location Eastvale Logging Camp, Elwynn Forest[84.4, 69.6]
Status Alive

Marshal Haggard is a human quest giver located at the Eastvale Logging Camp in Elwynn Forest. He can be found outside his manor just southeast of the camp. He appears to be related in some capacity to Ella, Sam, Alaina Hearthsong and Cedric Hearthsong; as they are living in his house.


Marshal Haggard is a former leader of the Stormwind Guard, now living in retirement in Elwynn Forest. He collected a lot of equipment during his career[1] and has kept good care of the pieces he still owns.[2] In his days leading the guard, he and his soldiers drank at the Scarlet Raven Tavern in Darkshire. Tavernkeep Smitts appears to remember him fondly.[3]

Haggard's home was once the summer cottage of the Flintridge family.[4] When he moved in, he found a chest upstairs that contained a bundle of parchments, including a journal page written by Stalvan Mistmantle. He only looked at the parchments once, then had to give up after his eyesight started to worsen.[5] It's since progressed to the extent that he can barely make out letters on a page.[6]

At one point, a Defias Brotherhood member named Dead-Tooth Jack stole Haggard's old Stormwind Marshal badge. Jack disguised himself by wearing a Stormwind tabard and claimed he needed the badge. Since it was dark and Haggard's eyesight is poor, he mistook Jack for Marshal Dughan and complied—then realized his mistake as the man laughed and ran off. Worried at the idea of the Defias being able to impersonate a Stormwind official, Haggard asked a warrior in training to help him recover it.[2]

Since the Cataclysm, he sends adventurers to Westfall.[7]


WoW Icon update.png The subject of this section was removed from World of Warcraft in patch 4.0.3a but is present in Classic Era.


This section includes speculation on characters that might be related, usually because they may share a last name. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

He may be related to Rose Haggard.

See also


External links